Saturday, February 25, 2006

Friday 2/24/06

Last night was rough. Savannah woke up about 11:30 throwing up & then proceeded to do it every 30 minutes or so throughout the rest of the night. Poor baby girl! I sure hope no one else catches it! I spent most of today holding a trashbag for her & Lysoling the house like crazy. So far, no one else seems sick.....

We went to see the doc this morning for Sarah's 5yr old check up & ear re-check (she had an infection about 2 weeks ago). Apparently she still has the chronic fluid build up (which she's had most of her life) but it's no longer infected. Whew!

Samuel said he didn't really want to go to school this morning (claiming illness) but I think he's fine. He went on to school & made it through the whole day, then came home giggly & bouncing. I bet he's ok!

Andrew had a good day. This afternoon was his first art class. He loved it! Miss Jan (our friend from church, the teacher) said he did really well. I'm still amazed at the blessings God is providing, like this art class. Truely a work of the Lord....for her to feel the Spirit telling her to give Andrew art classes....for me to have just found out 24 hours prior from a friend who worked at his old school that he really loves God is good. He takes care of all the details, doesn't he?

Kourtney is...well, Kourtney. She is pretty much perpetually happy & smiling. I've only seen her sad/mad/upset/whatever a couple of times since she got here. It's hard to wipe the grin off her face. Thank you, Father, for the sweet spirit of this little gal. :)

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