Friday, March 3, 2006


God keeps giving me this word in relation to the kiddos -- investment. And I don't think He's talking about the financial kind, although that certainly applies here, too.

In talking to my mom today about Andrew & Kourtney, I was saying how anyone who keeps the kids for us can't just babysit. They really must train the kids, teach them, spend time sitting & playing games, reading to them. It's almost like having a newborn in the house again, going through all the basic rules of the house & teaching them our beliefs and values. They're learning manners & respect for our home and the stuff and people in it. Above all of that, I pray that they're learning that God loves them. That He longs to be their closest friend, that He cares for them more than any person on earth ever has. I want them to see HIM instead of ME. I want them to learn that God thinks they are the most precious thing in the world! That He has made the biggest investment in them of all!

I pray that A & K find the investments that we're making to be reflections of Jesus. That nothing we're doing is to drive them crazy or be mean....but that we're trying to build Godly character in each of them. I know that, years from now, they will. They're such sweet kids, so flexible & teachable.

God, thank you for the investment you made for my sake....and the sake of ALL my kids.

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