Friday, May 19, 2006

Thursday May 18

Since A&K moved in, our biggest "issue" has been between Andrew & Savannah.  They are both very strong-willed, independant, hard-headed firstborns who want to be in CONTROL.  Of course, we all know that can't work.  Two people trying to steer the car doesn't work well.  I have had people praying for the 2 of them to get along, become friends & establish a relationship.  I've prayed & prayed myself, but haven't felt like we were getting anywhere.

Last night, on the way to church, we were listening to the CD of Savannah's choir music (for a performance she has on Sunday night).  One of the songs is about Romans 16:19-20.  It says "Be excellent at what is good, be innocent of evil.  And the God of peace will soon crush Satan underneath your feet."

While we listened to that, God spoke to me saying that He was going to soon crush Satan (this horrible spirit of defensiveness & arguing in my house!!!) under my feet!  I was crying by the time I reached the church & the kids were wondering what the heck was up with mom.  LOL!  I realize the verse is speaking to a much BIGGER crushing of Satan, but for now, in my household, I know that it's purely spiritual warfare going on & once we can defeat Satan entirely, the wars will end!  Sure, they're still siblings who will fight now & then, but this constant sense of "one-upmanship" & nit-picking won't be such an issue.  What a mighty God we serve.  He's active in even the little victories around here!

Speaking of victories...... we got the bathroom framed up today!  About 7 hours into it, a board that was propped against the house fell over, knocking the faucet off the wall to the house exterior, broke the pipe & water started spraying everywhere!!!  Luckily, our builder was still here & knew how to fix it!  He wasn't sure if the way he did it would work, but PRAISE GOD, it held!  If it had not, we would've had to cap off the line & spend the next several weeks in a laundrymat as the washer & that faucet were on the same line!  Yikes!

Once that was fixed, they finished up the framework & called it a day!  Thank you Don, Daddy & Larry for building me a new bathroom!!!  I can't wait to see it finished!!

I'm attempting to include a picture with this entry.  If it doesn't work, you'll know it b/c the picture will be missing!!  If it does work, well then....voila!  It's a pic I took of Kourtney & I yesterday.  Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I have been following and reading your journey since the beginning and I just wanted to leave a comment today and say

    1) how wonderful it was to put a face to your writings. You are a beautiful woman of God on the outside and the inside


    2) May the Lord continue to answer your prayers and be the center of your family.

    You are a true inspiration to many through sharing your life with these posts.

    God Bless You!


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