Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Tues July 25

Could I ask you to pray for Miss Kourtney?  In the past couple of days, she has expressed some sad feelings about living here for the first time.  I mean, she's talked about missing her mom before & has voiced the fact that she wishes she was still alive so she could live with her...but that's about it.  In the past few days, she's said one particular thing twice.  That one thing is:  "I wish I didn't live here."    I know that she probably feels out of control in so many areas & this is one way she can voice her sadness...it just comes out in a mean-sounding way.

The first time, I blew it off & didn't really address is b/c she said it when she was mad at Sarah.  I knew she was just angry & blowing off steam.  It stung a little, but I didn't react.  Today, she had to (gasp!) put up her clean clothes & said it again.  This time, I decided I needed to say something.  I can't let that become her new "catch phrase" when she's angry about something or it'll just breed contention & bitterness & anger.  No need to add to stress in the house!  So, today when she said it, I called her to me & the conversation went like this:

Me:  Kourtney, ya know what?  When you say that you don't want to live here, that really hurts my feelings.  It makes me sad when you say that you wish you didn't live here.
Kourtney:  (nods in agreement)  I wish I could still live with my mommy & daddy.
Me:  Oh I know, honey.  I wish you could still live with your mommy & daddy, too.  I wish that there had never been a reason for you to need to come live here, but I am so glad you are here!!!  Ya know why?
Kourtney:  Why?
Me:  Because I love you soooooo much (hugging her & squeezing tight).
Kourtney:  (giggles)
Me:  Do you know how much I love you?
Kourtney:  (shrugs)
Me:  This much?  (held my fingers up about an inch apart)  This much?  (spread my fingers wider apart)  This much?  (held up my hands about a foot apart)  This much?  (and before I coulddo it.....)
Kourtney:  THIS MUCH!  (hands spread wider than her body width as if reaching for a hug)
Me:  That's right!  (gave a big squeezy hug)  I love you sooo much!  And ya know what?  If you weren't here, I wouldn't have anyone to come give me HUGGIES all day long!  {Note:  She comes up to me about a million times a day & says "Huggie!", wanting a hug.}  I wouldn't have a Kourtney-Wortney {my nickname for her}.
Kourtney:  (giggling & hugging me while I talk)
Me:  And if you didn't live here, you wouldn't get to take dance class this year....or go to Daisies at church....or go to Kindergarten with Sarah!  You wouldn't have gotten to play Blast Ball or go to Discovery Science Place camp.  There's a lot of cool stuff about being here, ya know?
Kourtney:  uh-huh
Me:  And who would sleep in your bed if you weren't living here?  We'd have an empty bed.  That's just silly isn't it??!!
Kourtney:  Uncle Larry could have his own room & you could sleep on it!
Me:  What?  You want me to sleep on your bed?
Kourtney:  I want you to sleep with me every night!
Me:  Silly goose!  I couldn't fit on your bed with you!  But you can come sleep with me anytime you want to!  Remember?
Kourtney:  (nodding)  I'm going to sleep with you tonight!
Me:  Well, if you get scared or wake up during the night & want to, you can come sleep with me.
Kourtney:  (giggling)
Me:  But NOW you need to get up & go put up your clothes.  If you can get them all put up, I have a surprise for you!!!!!!!!
Kourtney:  A surprise??  What is it?
Me:  It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, silly!  Now scoot.  Go put up your clothes & I'll get it.
She quickly ran off, squealing to everyone that she was getting a surprise!  She put her clothes up & came back pretty fast.  I gave her a cheerleader costume that a friend gave me a few days ago to which she giggled with glee & ran to put it on.  She came back in a few minutes & almost knocked me off the chair where I was sitting (literally!) as she climbed onto my lap to give me a huge hug.  I whispered into her ear, "So does this make it a little better to live here?".  She grinned & giggled & nodded her head wildly.
Ahhh.....another sweet day with Kourtney-Wortney.  :)

1 comment:

  1. My kids still tell me that they don't want to live here....even after all these years!


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