Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Who is reading this?

I got an email today from one friend.....saw a comment posted from another....both ladies that I didn't even realize were reading the journal.  And it made me wonder.....who all is regularly keeping up with us?

It's such a blessing to see that my therapy (writing this journal!) is blessing someone else.  If you are reading this, please email me & let me know.  It's ok if you read a week at a time or a month at a time, or just read the entries one at a time as they're posted...whatever the case, let me know who ya are.  (In case you don't have my email, it is:  Lizreeves2@aol.com)



  1. i read! i followed the link from someone elses livejournal....i check every couple of days....


I LOVE comments, but I have to moderate them because I have trouble with spammers and crazies. If you do not fit either of those categories, you are probably safe to comment here.