Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I have the best kids in the world! Aug 16

I do believe that I have the best 5 kids in the world.

At 4:45am, I woke up with the most excruciating lower back pain.  I couldn't figure out how I could've possibly injured myself IN MY SLEEP, but somehow I must have!  I needed to go to the bathroom, so I sorta rolled off the edge of the bed & half way crawled to the bathroom.  Ouch it hurt!  Sitting on the toilet was more than I could handle (sorry if that's TMI!), so after about 10 minutes, I was able to stand back up, crying, and walk to the kitchen freezer for an ice pack.  I went back to bed sleeping on the ice pack.  When Larry woke up, I described it to him & he said that it sounded like the muscle spasms he's had. 

He had to go to work, so as soon as I could fling some frozen waffles onto plates for the kids, I went back to bed with a new icepack.  (The other one was no longer cold by then!)  The kids saw me getting teary-eyed just standing up, so they knew I was hurt.  I have a really high pain tolerance, so they know when mommy is feeling bad, it must be really bad!  I was in bed literally ALL DAY LONG.  Thankfully, since I just showed Savannah how to do laundry yesterday, she took on that & between she and Andrew (who she taught how to work the machine today!!), they did all of the laundry.  Granted, the baskets of clean stuff are all over my bedroom, they did get it washed & dried!  :)  She assigned the younger ones jobs, too.  Samuel was supposed to distract me & snuggle me (hee hee...I like that one!) and the girls were supposed to clean off the kitchen table & make me cards.  At lunchtime, they all made their own sandwiches (he hee....Andrew made a Kit-Kat sandwich!  LOL!) and they brought me a plate w/ a PB&J sandwich, some yogurt & a can of Dr. Pepper.  I could handle the sandwich & yogurt from a horizontal position, but the can of DP had to go back to the fridge.  Even with a straw, I had no where to sit it, so I promised to drink it later.

About 3:00, I finally got up & took a shower...then went back to bed w/ a new icepack.  The kids entertained themselves all day long (TV, games, movies, etc) and although the house was pretty well trashed, we survived.

Around 4:30 I was able to finally get up & move some.  Not comfortably, mind you, but I got up & moved.  I'm still not exactly feeling good (11pm now), but I'm getting there....maybe I'll live after all!  :)

Tomorrow morning is the first day of school!  My babies will all go to school now.  Kourtney & Sarah are very excited & have their clothes on the foot of their beds, ready to throw them on bright & early.  Samuel & Andrew have matching red polo's & jeans set out waiting for them.  Savannah's got a little brown & turquoise skort set all ready to go, too.  Savannah also starts her art class tomorrow afternoon.  She's anxious to do that, too!

After we take them to school in the morning, I'll go into work & do what I can to get my classroom in order.  I'll do that again Firday & Monday, too.  Since Sarah & Kourtney get out at 12:30 the next 2 days, I will leave work in time to go pick them up & then head home each day.  On Tuesday, I 'officially' go back to work w/ a new batch of kids for the year.

Looks like fall is upon us!  Say a prayer for us, ok?

1 comment:

  1. Hope your back is better today.... Sounds like the kids did a good job while MOM was down...Sounds like they deserve a first day of school dinner at Burger King :)


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