Big plans....
We'll have cake for breakfast (a birthday tradition here!) & let her open her present. (Shhh...don't tell....I got her one of the little 20 Question handheld games.) We'll go on to church afterward as usual. After church, I'm going to stop at the video store & let her pick out a movie for us to all watch together. We'll come home & have lunch and naps & then we're going to be real heathens & stay home from Sunday PM church so that we can eat popcorn & watch her movie as a family. She will "officially" be 10 at 6:43pm!
Andrew is also going home w/ a friend after church tomorrow, which he is ecstatic about! He recently asked me why no one ever invited him over to their house, so now he gets a chance!
sounds like a blast of a birthday party to me...happy 10th birthday to you savannah. aww to be 10 again. but then again, NOT. hugs, debbie