When Andrew & Kourtney moved in, we took them to the pediatrician for a check up. That was the last week of February. Andrew was fine, not behind on any shots or anything. Kourtney was behind on her shots, having 6 or 7 to catch up on. She also required a "finger-stick" to do some basic bloodwork. While Andrew stayed in the exam room w/ Larry for his check up, I walked to the lab w/ Kourtney (in the same bldg) for her finger stick. I was absolutely blown away by how she reacted. Between the yelling & kicking, she flung her arms around & just went absolutely bonkers. It took me and another lady to hold her down for the other lab tech to get a finger to poke. I kept apologizing to the lab techs, who were standing back looking pretty stunned, too. I can laugh about it now, but it was anything but funny at the time.
Because she reacted so wildly to the finger stick, we decided to only do 4 of the shots she needed at the time. I knew I could always come back later & get the rest. Oh, and on that day she weighed 65 or 66 lbs.
Today was the day to go back & get the rest of her shots. I was pretty nervous about this b/c of her reaction the last time. On top of that, Larry is still in Mexico, so I knew that I'd have to do it by myself. But it went really well! In the (almost) 6 months since that last check up, she's down to 58 lbs. We've discussed her getting the other shots for a month or so now...complete with lots of cheering & high-fives about how I KNOW she's big & brave. (Of course, there was also the threat of punishment if she threw a fit like that again!) Yesterday, I told her that it was up to her.......if she wanted to get to go to McDonald's for lunch today, she had to behave when it was time for her shots. It's ok to cry & say "ouch!" but the flailing arms, kicking feet, screaming & wailing was *NOT* gonna happen. So when it got to be time for her shots, Savannah sat on the table w/ her & let her squeeze her hand. I was on the other side w/ her squeezing my hand, too. She got a little panicked at the last minute, claiming she needed to go potty, but she made it! She was very brave & strong & never screamed, never cried...just sat there & squeezed our hands. I was soooo proud of her & she was quite proud of herself, too! She ended up showing off her bandaids to everyone in the office on the way out--even the other patients in the waiting room! :)
Savannah is growing & doing fine, too! She was up to 63 lbs (I think?) and was 50 1/2" tall. For the average 10 year old, that's shorter & thinner than usual, but she's doing perfectly on her own growth curve. She was excited to see that she was over 50" tall today! :)
We had a nice lunch at McDonald's today on the way back home! Hooray! Healthy kids!
The one downside of the day.......one of Kourtney's shots has to wait a few more weeks. It has to have been over 6 mo. before she can get the next one in a series & it's about 3 weeks shy of 6mo. since that last check up. We'll get that one when she goes back in November for her annual check up.
OMG.. little miss kourtney IS her mothers daughter. if you could have seen kelly when we had to get shots after a hurricane..oh she embarrassed mother something awfull like K did you. she literly done the same thing that K did only worse, somehow during her tantrum she lost her shirt. think mom was holding onto the shirt and out she came, she was worse than a wild animal. oh i almost forgot to mention, this was not in a private room either. these shots were given at a location for EVERYBODY!! EVERYONE had to get these shots. you had it easy with not many folks watching...mother had almost the whole town there. remember we lived by coco crispy,lol. awww the joys of motherhood..debbie