Saturday, September 9, 2006

Sat., Sept 9th

We've had a good week.  Last weekend, we had 2 nights in a row of "Family Movie Night".  The kids love doing this.  We watched Chicken Little & Shaggy Dog.  We all pile up in the living room with blankets & pillows & sleeping bags & watch a movie together---thus, family movie night.  The kids really enjoyed Shaggy Dog.  It was pretty cute for Larry & I, too.

Monday was a school holiday, so we spent it hanging around the house.  Larry drove to The Woodlands to visit his aunt.  Sandy is a precious lady who is going through cancer treatments & ended up breaking her hip & being put in a rehab hospital.  She's already up & walking, though, so she's gone back home.  Wow!  Superwoman I tell ya!  Monday night we went to my parents' house for a hot dog cookout & homemade icecream.  YUM!

The kids had a good week at school.

Thursday night was Sarah's first gymnastics class, but she has decided not to continue with it.  She was expecting more of your traditional gymnastics routine--bars, balance beam, etc....but this is more of a pre-cheer class, so they spent the entire hour working on various arm positions.  When a college-aged boy came in, she panicked & just quit.  She's pretty shy, especially around MALE strangers, so that did her in.  That's ok, though.  We wouldn't know unless she gave it a try!  We'll try something else again later.  For now, she's going to be my buddy on the sidelines.  :)

The boys & Larry went to the Scouting program's first meeting Thursday night as well.  I think Larry's more excited about it than the boys.  :)  He was an Eagle Scout (ahem..pardon me, he IS an Eagle Scout) so he lovessssss the Boy Scout program.  I never did Girl Scouts as a kid....I thought they were I missed out on all that.  The boys are over the moon about it though!  They can't wait to go camping & learn to tie knots & all the "cool stuff".  Daddy's pretty gung ho, too.  He's already signed up to be a Den Leader & has bought their uniform shirts (his, too).  I'll have to get pictures of the three boys in their uniforms.

On two separate nights this week, Sarah woke up crying & holding her ear in pain.  Yesterday morning I took her to the doc & found out that she has a double ear infection.  Ouchie!  She's on medicine now, though & seems to be doing fine.

No other major news to report this week....just the usual stuff.

Anyone who has raised a large family...feel free to email me & let me know your tricks on getting the kids to KEEP their room clean.

1 comment:

  1. wow, poor sarah. go get so shy that she quits her gymnastics and then to have a double ear infection. poor darling. what caused this? water in her ear? too much dust? or is this just something that happens to kids?anyways, i am so glad to hear that she is getting better. tis not fun when the kids get sick. chris was my worst nightmare with illnesses, but not the type of illness that you would think of. he was forever putting anything in his nose or ears. guess what broke him of putting things in there is when he had to go have an operation to have an battery taken out of his nose. the dumb bunny stuck a small round battery up there and no one could take it out. they had to call in a op dr. to take it out cuz i told the er dr/nurse that i wasnt leaving this hospital till it was out. this was a sunday evening and they wanted(cooks hospital)  me to wait till next day. me was one mad momma. anyways, running out of room. you all take care and show me some pics of the males in their, debbie


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