Thursday, September 14, 2006

Thurs Sept 14

First & foremost, I want to thank you all.  Thank you for all the prayers, emails, phone calls, e-cards & hugs at church last night.  So many supportive friends & all the prayers sent up are what got me through a very emotional morning yesterday.  Between the journal entry & a prayer request I emailed to a few friends, I was on a bit of a hormonally-induced rollercoaster yesterday AM.  Sometimes head knowledge doesn't equate application to our lives...ya know?  And while I *knew* the good Christian pastor's wife answer to everything I was mulling over, I hadn't really applied it because I needed some time to wallow in it & really work it through my brain first.

Anyway, I love you all & want to thank you for your support & love yesterday.  I do believe my love cup is full this morning!  :)

1 comment:

  1. so glad all is better:) isn't God Great? have a great day



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