Sunday, November 12, 2006

Goodbye, Sandy........

I have hesitated to post this the past couple of days because I was afraid that Savannah might read it.  Now that she knows about this, I can say something.
On Thursday night, our sweet Aunt Sandy died.  Gone from this earth is one of the best elementary educators, one of the most involved parents, one of the most compassionate women you will ever meet.  Into the hands of Jesus she has gone.  She's finally healed of the cancer that riddled her body for the past year + several months.  Although she will be greatly grieved, I am thrilled to know where she will spend all eternity, and happiness fills my soul to realize that I will one day hug her again.
Savannah was very close to Sandy and has handled her illness very hard---especially in these last few weeks when it has gotten really bad.  Sandy went home on Hospice Care Wednesday.  When we explained this to the kids, Savannah had a panic attack & was hyperventilating.  It took her almost 2 hours to fully calm down & relax.  Poor baby!  She handled the news (of Sandy's death) alright, though.  She got quiet & it was a very solemn moment, but in the end, she says that "it wasn't as hard as I expected it to be".  I guess we talked it up ahead of time so much that she was ok with the news of Sandy's suffering coming to an end.
We love you Sandy.....may you enjoy your days at the feet of our Saviour until we can see you again!
This song has been running through my head all week.  Somehow, it seems fitting now.  It's called "Complete" & it's sung on Parachute Band.  I don't know who they are, as we sang it in church, but I love the message.

Here I am oh God. I bring this sacrifice. My open heart. I offer up my life. I look to you Lord. Your love that never ends. Restores me again.

So I lift my eyes to you Lord. In your strength will I break through Lord. Touch me now.

Let your love fall down on me. I know your love dispels all my fears. Through the storm, I will hold on Lord. And by faith I will walk on Lord. Then I'll see beyond my Calvary one day. And I will be complete in You.

1 comment:

  1. praise the lord she accepted him:) i love the song When we see Christ. Have a good Sunday



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