I'm sooo behind on things. Sorry about that. Let me see if I can do a quick recap of events.
Christmas went well. Kids loved the Santa presents & enjoyed the Jesus birthday party. Went to the movies & liked the show. Dog's growing & making me crazy (she keeps getting out of the fence!!). Kids are spending their days watching TV, cleaning their rooms, playing outside & huddling around Savannah. Her tonsils came out on Wednesday without any problems. She's sleeping on the couch to be nearby in case she needs us. She's really hating the fact that she has to eat ice cream & popsicles so often. :)
All in all, things are going well. I'm just too sleepy to keep the site updated lately. Coco is up by 6:30am every day....even on school holidays when we could sleep later! I've been hitting the hay by 10-10:30 every night, which is pretty early for me, but I guess I need it b/c I'm not having any trouble going to sleep!
Yawn....I think I'll go take a nap now. :)
have a Happy New Year:)
hi, new to the site, thanks.