She's still our avid reader. Tonight I went to a work dinner & the kids stayed @ the day care center. When I came back, they kept oohhhing & ahhhing over the way Savannah had sat & read the ENTIRE time I was gone. She took a big thick book from the school library to enjoy. I swear, if you want to punish her, ground her from books! That would be the ULTIMATE punishment for her!
The place where she had stitches is healing up really well. You have to be underneath, looking up at her top lip to even notice where the stitches were. She's been healthy & well since the tonsilectomy, too.
Larry & I have even noticed that her anxiety problems have seemed to "level off" lately. She hasn't been having dramatic highs & lows like she used to. Between counseling & the right level of medicine, she's handling things very well....and we're sooo glad about that!
I love that Savannah is getting older & still talks openly to me about *anything*. She may not call me her best friend, but we have a very close relationship & I ADORE that. It may not always be that way, but while I've got it, I am cherishing it. She still loves hugs, kisses, snuggling, reading together, sharing puzzle books, watching a movie on the couch with me. She may be nearly as tall as me, but she's still my baby!
Samuel is doing great. The poor kid is like his dad---he can't spell worth a flip & his handwriting is terrible, but he does well otherwise in school. I'm going to see if I can find some handwriting tablets tomorrow & have him start practicing his handwriting at home more. Although you can usually decipher what he's written, he needs to work on it! He is really beginning to enjoy reading. We got him several Nate the Great books for Christmas & he loves them. He finished them all pretty quickly. I think I'm going to go to the Scroll tomorrow and see what else I can find for little boys. I know all about shorter chapter books for girls, but am still huntingfor good ones for boys. (Note: Mrs. Walker---I still have the Ready Freddy book you loaned us. I haven't had time to read it yet, but will return it ASAP unless you need it sooner.)
Samuel is such a big ham, always cutting up & telling goofy stories. Today he had to stay home from school because he got sick yesterday afternoon. He said he felt "almost better" this morning, which means he'll milk it for attention and then goof off between pity sessions. :) He got out a couple of my big pots today & the beaters from my mixer & made a "band" (drums). We sat in Larry's recliner & watched An Indian in the Cupboard together. He's such a little snuggle bug! When it was quiet time, he asked if he could snuggle in my bed. (I'm such a sucker!)
Kourtney is the funniest kid. Not funny in the comedian sort of way...just funny to observe & listen to. Her random thoughts and funny conversations make her good entertainment. She really is precious & has the most joyful attitude most of the time. We recently found out she has ADHD & she started taking medicine for it today. I'm anxious to see how she does, if it really makes a big difference for her or what. I don't want to change her personality, but she does need help focusing & paying attention for more than 4 seconds at a time. It's not uncommon to have a conversation that goes like this:
"Kourtney? Kourtney? your supper.....yes, that's a fork, no you don't need the ladel to eat your chicken....ok, you can have a hug, but you need to go back & sit down & eat, you can't go catch the squirrel in the street right now.......Kourtney, come back to the kitchen, it's suppertime.......Kourtney, why are you putting on your pajamas?.......No, you can't go outside right now. Go eat your chicken.....Yes, I remember that episode of Spongebob......You already have a plate in front of you, remember?.....Sweetie, put the toy down & eat......Yes, we'll go to school tomorrow, but right now you need to eat supper."'s humorous to read, but boy does it wear on ya after a while! :)
Kourtney is a lovebug, too. She is always wanting hugs & kisses, always wanting to climb into my lap. It's so sweet considering that the weekend the kids moved in, she wasn't real touchy-feely with me & it took a while for her to feel comfortable kissing me. I love those sweet heart-melting moments. :) Tonight when I tucked her in, she said she wanted a kiss. I leaned down to give her one & she grabbed my face & layed a big wet one on me. But it wasn't just a was a long-term commitment. LOL! She held my head down to her face for a while before she backed up & burst into hysterical giggles.
Sarah holds a really special spot in my heart. Not that the other kids don't, but Sarah has a neat little way of making everyone she's near feel loved. When we found out I was pregnant w/ her (so soon after Samuel was born), I was devastated, shocked, overwhelmed...and terrified about having 2 babies under 1 yr old. It took her arrival & subsequent very sick newborn stage for me to realize that while I hadn't planned her, God had nestled her deep within my heart (& my womb) on His behalf. She's got the most gentle spirit, the most tender heart and the most loving, compassionate soul of any child I've ever met. I'm continually thankful that God chose to let me be her mama. I can't imagine life without Sarah.
Sarah is beginning to read a little! It takes a while, but she loves writing "words" (usually just letters she puts together) and drawing pictures for everyone. Every time we're going to visit someone or when she knows someone is coming over, she runs to get paper & crayons to draw something for them. (Come to think of it, Savannah did the exact same thing at this age!!)
I'm including 2 pictures above of the boys. I sent these out to family on Sunday. On the serious picture, I labeled it "Fantasy". The other one was labeled "Reality". LOL! Don't they look handsome?
I am so glad that SSKS are doing well:) have a good week:)