Saturday, January 6, 2007

Sat Jan 6--prayer request

In late Sept 2002, Larry was hurt at work by a man high on drugs.  The man later went to prison for his assault on Larry--a public servant.  Although Larry's injuries were pretty big, and they required surgery & lots of time off to recover, in the end, all was well.  Larry went back to work and later led this man to the Lord via letters to his prison cell.  The guy has AIDS & has been paroled for health reasons now, but because Larry was willing to step outside his comfort zone, the man will see Jesus when he dies.

On that same day that Larry was injured, a friend of mine, Angie Bundy, fainted.  She found out later that day that she had a brain tumor.  She went through treatment & recovered fully.  God used that circumstance as a catalyst to throw her out into the world of prison ministry.

How amazing (isn't that how God usually works?) that He used 2 different circumstances to bring people to the Lord in prison.  Angie went on to build a beautiful ministry to prisons world-wide.  Larry went on to moving out of law enforcement and into full time ministry.

Now for the prayer request---Angie's cancer is back.  She is a fabulous Christian woman.  She is strong & courageous!  She's begun treatment again, but maintains her prison ministry in the middle of it all!  Praise God!

Please visit her site, sign her guestbook & read her journal.  I promise you will be blessed!

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