Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tuesday night funny

A funny story from tonight---
We were eating supper when Andrew asked for me to pass him the scissors so he could cut the "diagraph" off of his water bottle label.  When I asked what a diagraph was, he pointed out the "-ng" on the end of the  "drinkiNG water" on his bottle.  Still confused, Savannah & I asked again "What is a diagraph?".  He couldn't explain, but just knew this -ng was one.  While I was getting the scissors, I asked if he could tell me which of his teachers had taught him about diagraphs & asked again about what it was.
Samuel then pipes up & says "It's the thing inside your body---YOU KNOW....the DIAGRAPH inside the solar system in your body" (as if that was the dumbest question in the world!).
Now thoroughly tickled (& further confused!), I asked him (Samuel) where in the "solar system" of our bodies you'd find a diagraph.  Savannah is rolling in laughter & asked if he knew what the solar system is.  Samuel said, "Of course I do!  It's the bones that hold your body together!".
While Savannah peeled herself off the floor (where she was rolling around laughing), I told him that your skeleton holds your body together---not a solar system, and that we have a diaphragm inside our bodies, not a diagraph.  After hearing all that, he gave a shrug & began to laugh with us.
I still don't know what a diagraph is.  Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?  Bueller?  (sorry...I had to say it!)


  1. wonder if he meant the code they use when buying things LOL have a great week



  2.   If you ever find out where your "diagraph" is, I sure would like to know.  I think I must have been absent the day we learned about those.  Maybe my Dr. could fill me in.   What kind of specialist do you think I should ask?  Wait, Larry was a paramedic.  Surely he knows where that is.  He probably checked them all the time.
              Love and giggles, Mom

  3. I think I have an answer to your question!!!!!  A digraph is:   A pair of letters representing a single speech sound, such as the ph in pheasant or the ea in beat.

    So, "ng" would be one!  So is "sh" and "th".

    :o) MOMYS friend, Rachel

  4. Too funny...  and glad that Samuel could laugh with you about it...lol


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