Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A happy entry!

 Since my recent journal entries have all been sort of "downers" I thought I'd share a few blessings from the past week or so.
#1  All five kids have been to the dentist for cleanings---no cavities!  Savannah's mouth/teeth are ready to start orthodontic work now, so I am calling today to set up the first appointment.  She's really excited about that (even though I have told her that it will hurt)!
#2  Andrew has a girlfriend.  For several days, he's come home talking about a little girl--M (abbreviating her name here).  It took him 2 days to write a note to her asking her to please, please, please, please, please, please be his girlfriend.  (He literally filled 1 entire page with "please".)  He came home yesterday, grinning & saying "She said YES!".  I asked him what they would do now that she's his girlfriend & he just giggled & shrugged his shoulders.  'I've got what?'  It was so funny to listen to him talk to Savannah last night about "girl advice".  He was writing M another little note & asked Savannah to read it to make sure it sounded ok.  She advised him to add some flowers or hearts "because girls like flowers & teddy bears & hearts & stuff".  HA HA!  This is really cute!
When Larry got home from DivorceCare last night, I told him that Andrew had a girlfriend.  He'd already heard @ church.  M's mother is a friend of ours!!!!!  I didn't realize this was her daughter Andrew had been describing!  And the cool part is, M's mom is the nurse who worked on Kelly (Andrew's mom) in the ER the day she passed away.
#3  I have had so many people offer me sweet words in prayer, emails, phone calls in the past few days.  It's astonishing to me that, after a year, people are still reading the journal & keeping up with us.  I mean, if it was me, I'd probably have lost interest by now!  I suppose it's like keeping up with your favorite TV show, though.  You get hooked & can't wait to see what happens next.  LOL!  THANK YOU for loving us!
#4  Financial blessing--God's providing a sizable tax refund that could feasibly cover the entire cost of Savannah's braces up front (although we won't pay for the whole thing right away, but we will put down a big chunk of it up front).  There was a scare that our taxes had been messed up last year & we were going to OWE this year, but that turned out to be a mistake.  All is well.  PRAISE THE LORD!
#5  I read this yesterday & love it!  "When you come to the edge of darkness, God will provide something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly."  AMEN!  How often we have seen this to be truth in the past year.  I get this visual image of opening a door into outerspace & not being able to see anything but darkness, being fearful to step out into the unknown & risk falling, but doing it anyway....and finding a solid step right under my feet.  I love this quote!  God's always provided us with a place to stand or has taught us to fly when we take that step out into the darkness, trusting Him.  How do people weather storms without Him??
#6  When Larry came home from his trip on Saturday, he said that he'd felt compelled, to buy fishing rods for the whole family.  We haven't had one for everyone up until now so every time we've tried to fish, we end up passing the rods around & having someone bored (& getting into things) while they waited their turn.  He said he wanted us to have something that we can all get away & do together or just something that he could grab a kid or two & take them to go do on those rough days when we need a few less people getting into trouble @ home.  We all took our rods & went to the lake to fish for a while.  No one caught anything, but we had fun.  It was very relaxing to see all the kids doing something quiet & calm.  They all stood on the shore, casting their lines into the water, peering at the little bobbers & getting nearly blown over in the wind.  I told Larry that I'm going to bring a chair & just go sit out there sometime.  Watching the ripples of the water and hearing the seagulls (or would that be lake-gulls?), watching the ducks.... ahhhh!
Things are still difficult, but finding sweet little blessings in the midst of chaos is always nice.  Thank you God, for the perspective to see them!

1 comment:

  1. Liz,
     What a great list of blessings........Its good to hear about Andrew sounding so happy!                                                                         Tammy


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