Sunday, March 11, 2007

Got any spare prayers laying around?

Please take a moment to pray fervently for us in the coming days as we have to make some very difficult decisions.


  1. Liz,
    Taking just a moment out my work day to tell you that I will remember you and your family in my prayers and also to tell you that Joseph was on Adderall for only a few days because it changed him completely............He headbutted a little boy at day care because the boy called him by another name other than Joseph......and when the adderall starting wearing off, he would sit and cry and ask for his Dad and he couldn't sleep at day care, would just lay there staring at the ceiling.........Joseph is a very good sleeper, even when sick..............but when he headbutted the child, we called an immediate stop to the Adderall and he went on Ritalin and the change was immediate and awesome............has had to have only 1 increase in mg (up to 20 now).........In our books, Adderall is a very bad medicine and I wish I had known Anthony was using it.............would have shared with you our experiences sooner.............anyway hope your situation will change for the better............Sandy Jordan

  2. Liz,
    This is a PS to my previous comments............about the house thing, if Ms. Glenna will still be leaving sometime in the near future, her house is a 3 story thing off of Carl Dowdy road..............don't know what the selling price would be but it sits on land with (I believe) some barns or buildings ( I forget what or how many), but she has horses and dogs and cats.............wouldn't hurt to check with her about the price and start work there, so you and she could confer......It just breaks my heart to read about Anthony, he had such a sweet demeanor last Thursday nite at open house.............Joyce is struggling with not having a Mother around...........she told her teacher Thursday nite "I used to have a Mom, but not anymore." She said it so matter of factly...........which it is........but can anyone ever makeup for a missing parent? Is that need always going to be there? All of us ( and you know who all that is ) try to see that the kids have all the love and attention they need, but Joyce seems to need something more to fill that particular void in her life.............and you can relate to that, I'm sure.........oh well, I hope your day is a blessful one for everyone............Sandy Jordan

  3. keeping you in prayer:)



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