Friday, March 23, 2007

Zephaniah 3:17
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.


I read this & kept having to re-read it this morning.  I can only think of two things here.  When I rejoice over my kids with singing, it's usually something like the potty dance...when we were potty training one of them & when they were successful we all danced & cheered & sang the "potty song"--you know, the impromptu Hooray for you type of things we do as parents.......or the times when they make a good grade on a test they've reallyyyy had to study hard for & we shout & cheer and jump around & sing.  Ya know?  And it also reminds me of how I sing & rejoice to God when I feel blessed.  And so... somehow I'm supposed to grasp that GOD rejoices over me with SINGING?!  HE sings about me?  HE is rejoicing over me?  Sure, it's may not be the potty song & dance (ha ha!!!) but He is rejoicing over me!  Wow.  How does that work?  Let me see if I can get this straight.

He was sitting up in Heaven one day a bazillion years ago & decided to create the earth & human beings.  He tossed around some ideas & SPOKE them into being.  He made the sun & moon, put them into orbit, fashioned some stars & fixed them to the sky.  He pulls the water in & out from the shore line and tells the animals what sounds to make and where to sleep at night.  He decided to create some people, so he took a little dust & made a man.  He intricately developed our nerves & cells & blood vessels & set our hearts to beating in a rhythm that keeps us alive.  He gave us eyes to see the wonder of all He had done, and gave us free will to spit in His face if that's what we so choose.  He allowed all His creations to torment & ultimately kill His only Son---who only showed up on the scene to HELP us.  He formed me, made me who I am, watches me & knows every thought that runs through my mind (shudder!) and understands my pains & joys.

And somehow He rejoices over ME?!

Wow.  You ARE GOOD, Lord.


  1. i know you are struggling with this but remember God is in control and it will be ok:)


  2. Hard to believe that so many people don't believe that He exists. That all of us, and all of everything, just happend by *accident*. Wow. It's so sad. Really, it's a no-brainer. It HAD to be God.


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