Sunday, June 17, 2007

all beef hotdogs

Tonight, the kids & I took Larry out to eat for Father's Day.  He wanted to go to Texas Roadhouse, so that's what we did.  The kids love it b/c there are buckets of peanuts on the table & you can throw the shells on the floor.  Come on...what kid (or grown man!) wouldn't love that?  ha ha!

Anyway, so we sit down to eat & Samuel pulls out his menu to read the kid's meal choices.  At the top, he saw "All Beef Hotdog".  Hotdogs are just about his favorite food in the world, so I knew that's what he'd get.  He reads over it several times & then finally says "what is an ALL BEEF hotdog?".  That "beef" part really had him hung up.  We tell him that it's just the kind of hotdog they make...the weenie is all beef.  He wrinkles up his nose & acts like that sounds gross, but we tell him that he's had that kind before.  He's still acting like it sounds gross when the waiter walks up.  The waiter heard the end of the "all beef" hotdog conversation & is grinning when he asks if we're ready to order.  It starts with Samuel who says he wants a hotdog, but he wants them to hold the beef.  LOL!!  The waiter just giggles & says "So you just want a plain hotdog, huh?  I can do that.  I'll make sure the chef doesn't put any beef on it."  (he winked at Larry as he said that, so we knew that he knew what was going on)

So the food comes out & this waitress is helping the waiter carry it all.  He starts naming off the foods & handing them out.  When he gets to Samuel's, the waitress girl holds it up & says "who had a hotdog?".  Samuel raised his hand but quickly said "there's no beef on it, right?".  The waiter jumps in & assures him that he had them make it with no beef.  LOL!

It was the funniest thing because the poor waitress has no idea what we're talking about and Larry & I and the waiter are giggling til we were nearly crying through the whole thing.  Samuel of course still doesn't "get" it & happily ate the whole hotdog without a gripe.  I still haven't told him that he did indeed eat an "all beef" hotdog tonight.  The goober!

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