Today we took Savannah to meet her buddies in Terrell. It's sort of the 1/2 way point between our house & theirs. She will stay with them for a week. She was soooo excited about going!! I know they'll all have a blast!
It was irritating, though. We drove 45 min to Lindale to get on I-20, then 2 minutes after we got on the road, traffic slowed to a complete stop. Ugh. We figured there was a wreck up ahead. After a while, things started creeping along, so we assumed it was getting cleared out. 25 minutes later, we're still creeping along & we kept wondering when we'd come upon this giant wreck that must be up there SOMEWHERE. I checked the mile marker 25 minutes into this & we'd travelled a whopping 5 miles. Oh my gosh....very frustrating! On top of that, I had cramps today that were killer. Worse than they've been for me in YEARS & so I'm driving, stuck in this horrible traffic, and trying to apply counter-pressure to my lower back. I'm telling you....being stuck in traffic this morning was nottttt my favorite part of the day! Finally...finally....we reached an exit & everyone needed to go potty. By this time it had been 45 minutes. We were all of 10 miles down the road from where we got on the highway. Did I mention I was a little frustrated? I got a drink, took a handful of Advil, went potty & climbed back in behind the wheel. What should've taken 45 minutes ended up taking almost 2 hours. Thankfully, though, we made it there in 1 piece and united the kids with their long-lost pals. There were plenty of smiles & giggles to soothe away the bad traffic nerves! Totally worth it. :)
On the way home, we noticed a dead turtle on the side of the road....and then another.....and another......and another. In an effort to get around the area we got caught in this morning, we took a different route home, and wouldn't ya know it....there were dead turtles everywhere. Larry & I were spectulating about why this is. Sure, there's probably some intelligent, scientific reason why so many turtles were out on the roadways (likely due to the massive rain lately, I guess), but we had fun coming up with funny reasons. Maybe they were part of a turtle cult that called for a mass suicide by vehicles. Perhaps they were all trying to answer the age old turtle joke "Why did the turtle cross the road?". Maybe they were doing research about those "highway turtles" we all like to drive across & make the bump-bump sound. Whatever the cause, there were mass casualties of the turtle variety all the way from here to Terrell & matter what route we took! :::pausing for a moment of silence for all the innocent turtles that lost their lives today:::
Seriously, though, a friend of mine who interviewed today (for the same job I'm interviewing for Tuesday!!!) called to let me know how her interview went. I am fairly confident about this. She told me a few of the questions they asked her & I think I will do really well w/ the interview. Of course, there is no certainty about my future in this job, but I was glad to hear from my friend about her interview. It sort of gave me something to think on & be prepared for Tuesday. Now I'm anxious to go do it!
This coming week is Samuel's Cub Scout day camp. I know he will have fun! Sarah & I will hang out together on Monday. Mom will take care of her while I go to my interview Tuesday morning. Wednesday I have a prayer meeting/lunch with the other staff wives at the church, so we'll go do that & Sarah will get to play with the other pastors' kids. Thurs we'll hang out some more & then on Friday we'll go back & get Savannah. It'll be a fun, full week!
Take care & have a good Saturday!
ewww on the turtles......