Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What a difference 24 hours make!

Around this time last night, I was discovering the email from Mr. S stating that I was not hired for the ISS job.  I was majorly disappointed & just could hardly believe that things turned out like they did.

But what a difference 24 hours make.

Today I had an interview for the Title One job at the elementary school.  It went well.  I am cautious in saying that it went 'great' because well....really, who knows!!  I thought the other interviews went "great" & that didn't happen.....so who knows!  An interview that just goes "so-so" may end up being the job I get.

The thing is... I'd love to work in any of these positions, but I am not hanging my hat on anything except the peace of God & the truth that He is in charge and will figure out all the details of my future!   He has my life in the palm of His hand & has counted every hair on my head.  He knows every detail of my days.  He spins the planets in orbit & places the stars in the sky.....so if He can handle all that, He can surely find me the perfect job for the Fall!

Who knows where I will end up landing in all this....but I am resting on the assurance that He's got it all figured out.

Tomorrow's interview is at 2:45.  I'll let ya know how that goes.


  1. He does have it all figured out!!!!  Just sometimes, I wish he would let us in on it sooner!

  2. you are right it will be the one you think you messed up on. God always opens another door:) good luck tomorrow



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