Sunday, July 29, 2007


This afternoon when we got home from church, Savannah got all upset about something.  She was having a hard time calming down.  She had tears dripping off her cheeks onto her shirt & was having a hard time breathing (almost like hyperventilating).  Toward the end of her crying jag, she said "are you going to make me go back to a whole pill?".  Odd that she'd even think of that in the middle of being upset.  I hadn't mentioned it to her at all!

We talked for a while about anxiety & how it doesn't mean she's weird or strange or stupid or's just something she has to deal with.  Just like a diabetic would take insulin or a person with a headache would take Tylenol, people who have anxiety & depression struggles take medicine to help with that.  She talked about how her friends don't even know she has anxiety because they've never seen her like this....but then she went onto say they wouldn't understand it.  She finally calmed down & sighed....and said, "I guess I need my medicine."  She wants to try a few more days at the smaller dose, but she's understanding that things are getting more difficult in the afternoons & if SHE can see it & sees a need for the medicine, then I think we may just plan on going back to the full dose in a few days.

I just found it interesting that she's old enough to really "get" all this & see the need HERSELF, which is quite different from me pointing it out to her.  Very mature of her, don't ya think?

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