Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Let Freedom Ring!

It's now officially a couple minutes past midnight, so it's July 4th, Independance Day!  Let freedom ring!

Freedom...what does that mean to you?  My first thoughts are the usual patriotic type---freedoms we have as Americans, freedoms that we so often take for granted, freedoms that so many people don't have.  Freedom to speak however we choose, freedom to do just about anything we want to.  Freedom to even write this blog!  Indeed, freedom is all of that, and this year I can thank my good friend Ann's husband for helping our great nation to have FREEDOM!!!!!!  Thank you Dave!

But freedom is so much more than that!

Do you know the greatest freedom there is?  Freedom from rules & regulations that bind us.  Freedom from a life imprisoned & bound & tied & chained to sin.  Freedom in the most intimate sense only comes from a relationship with God!!  If you don't have that freedom, please email me, call me, send me a message on myspace.  Whatever you have to do, get in touch.  I'd love to explain this to you personally!

Independance Day indeed!  LET FREEDOM RING in your life!

1 comment:

  1. Amen!  We are so fortunate to have a God that sent his only Son to give us true freedom.  We have so much and sometimes we don't realize.  Then to top things off we, as Americans live in the greatest country in the world!  We are so blessed.

    This Indepedance Day was by far better than last!  Last year my hubby had come home for his first 96 hour leave and left on Independance Day.  But this year we celebrated together.  We had a blast!


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