Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sun 7/15 through Tues 7/17

We've had a good beginning to the week.  Sunday night, Samuel went to a friend's house to spend the night.  He had a ball.  The little boy he spent the night with has a strange custody situation.  His grandmother has had custody of him most of his life, with his dad (her son) very involved all along.  The boy's mom is remarried to someone else & until recently only had occasional visits with him, but has become more involved lately.  So when Samuel spent the night, he spent the night @ the grandmother's house with the boy & his dad and then the next day, grandma went to work while dad hung out all day.  He had as much fun as the boys did, I think--taking them swimming & to the park, etc.  Samuel feels like he really lives it up when he goes to their house!

Monday night we took the kids to see Evan Almighty.  It was a really CUTE movie!  We really enjoyed it.  It is a VERY loose interpretation of the Biblical Noah's Ark story, but it has a lot of good moral value to it.  Other than one part that was maybe a little 'much' for some kids (although mine thought it was hysterical!), we really liked it.

Savannah started her science day camp this week.  She's having fun in "Paper Sculpture" camp.  They're making all sorts of cool origami-like things all week, but in between projects they're working on a paper chain contest.  You know the little paper chains we make for our kids to countdown to Christmas, etc?  Well, they're doing that....only they're having a contest to see whose can be longest.  So far, Savannah said she's winning because it's almost as long as the room!  LOL!  Don't challenge my baby...she'll do everything she can to WIN!

We've also begun a medicine taper for Miss Savannah.  The doc wanted us to give it a try between camp & our trip to California, so here we are.  On Sunday, I dropped her down to 1/2 a pill per day & so far, we're doing ok.  She does seem to have a quick temper the last couple days, but then again, she's had a quick temper for a long time....not sure that has anything to do w/ the meds.  It's just funny that she's lost her temper even MORE quickly these past couple days....maybe it does have something to do w/ the medicine....hmm....

My kids are so funny...ya know?  Yesterday, while driving to pick up Savannah @ day camp, Samuel & Sarah actually got into an argument over the color gray.  Yes, you read that right...the color gray caused an argument, and a heated one, too.  Oy!

This morning has been pretty interesting.  Sarah's pushing a rolling cart around with rolled up papers (with a rubber band around the middle) saying she's selling newspapers.  She's got on one of Samuel's ball caps with her hair hanging in her face saying "get your newspapers here....only $1.....get your newspapers".

Ahhhh.....selling newspapers & arguments over camps & slumber parties.....that's what summer is all about, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1.   These arguments are much easier to deal with than curfews and whether "he" is right for me or not.  Enjoy the simple things.   They will be gone all too soon.  
       And just how does one argue over gray?
        Mom, remembering when.


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