Larry finally made it to Dallas, visited the child in the hospital & headed home....only to discover he has a turn signal out. He said it looked like a fuse is out, so he pulled over somewhere or other to check it.
I just called him back (it had been about an hour since I last heard from him). I wanted to make sure he was ok & had gotten the fuse fixed. He said that he wasn't really able to fix it, so he had no turn signal and his cell phone was close to dead, so he didn't have any battery time to waste. (I guess he forgot his charger.) He said he wanted to save it in case he broke down or something.
Poor guy. It's 9:20 now. I figure he'll be home in the next 30 minutes or so. And this after leaving to head to Dallas about noon. It's 2 or 2.5 hours one way. This has been a long afternoon for him!
Praying he made it home safe. sounds like satan didn't want him to go to Dallas. praise God he did