...to go to bed at a decent time tonight. :::Yawn:::
When it comes to paperwork type details, I'm so hyper-anal. (Yes, anal is bad enough, but then add HYPER to it & I'm just nutty.) I hate to leave anything undone where paperwork is concerned b/c I'm afraid if I quit & come back to it later I won't be able to remember where I left off or I'll flub whatever progress I made before. Anyway, with that in mind, I wanted to finish (totally finish!) my September lesson plans last night. So I did. With a thousand different curriculum idea websites & a book full of ideas from the school, I knew I could get it done. So I did. I knew I needed a shower when I got done before I went to bed, too. So at 11:45 when I finally finished my work, I took a shower & collapsed into the bed. Let me tell ya....getting up at 6:20 & lasting til just after midnight, then sleeping only 6.5 hours again....boy I'm not going to be much good by tonight. :::yawn::: Come to think of it, maybe you won't have to remind me tonight!
its always hard the first week:) enjoy it