Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday Dec 15th

Last night I got in bed after I signed off from typing up the blog entry, but I didn't fall asleep for a while.  It was probably at least 30-40 minutes.  Unusual for me.

This morning we picked up Savannah at her friend's house where she'd spent the night and went shopping for our Angel Tree gifts.  The kids each picked out a gift for 'their' angel.  Savannah had pulled a muscle in her neck last night so she was pretty whiney the whole time.  Not that I blame her..I'm sure it hurt...but I'm just stating the facts.  We got her an Aleve at a gas station so she could get some relief.  By the time we'd finished shopping, it was time to head home & eat lunch.  We stopped by a business that some friends of ours run.  It's called Gone Bananas!  It's a children's novelty shop.  They happen to both also be massage therapists, so when Benae saw Savannah hunched over funny (from the sore neck), she yanked her massage chair out of the back room & did an impromptu massage to try to get the muscle to release.  Savannah loved it & it really did help.  We love our sweet friends!!

When we finally got home, the temperature had dropped quite a few degrees & the wind was really whipping things around.  Brrrr!  Is that winter I feel outside?  As of this moment, it's 37 degrees on my front porch, but with the wind blowing it feels a little lower than that.  Definately cold.  Hooray!

I walked in the house & looked at all our tornado-like rooms & decided then & there that tonight I was staying at home!!!  Although I would've LOVED to go to the Garrity's party tonight, I have sooo much to do here.  We've been gone all week long & the kids have been with a sitter almost every night this week so it's just time for me to be at home.  Larry went to the party with instructions to apologize for my absence, but to have fun with all our friends.  So far, I've folded 7 loads of laundry & washed 2 more (and there are several more to go).  I've served dinner (roast, potatoes, carrots & onions and rolls) to the kids and I & need to load those dishes into the dishwasher.  I've folded and addressed all our Christmas cards, stamped them & mailed the majority.  I still have 2 sitting here by the computer that I need to get the full address for.  I'm about to go wrap the last of our presents (yes!!!  We're DONE!!!!) while listening to the new Christmas CD we got in the mail today.  Oh, and while I'm wrapping, there will be more clothes washing.

I also got a book in the mail today that I ordered myself for Christmas.  I'm anxious to start reading it (probably tonight when I lay down to go to bed).  Check it sounds good!

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