Thursday, December 6, 2007

What a day!

When I got to work this morning, I walked in the door & was greeted by a phone call from Samuel's school nurse.  She said he was in the office & had been there about 20 minutes, saying his tummy hurt.  I talked to him & then to her again and told them to call me back about 10:00 if he still felt bad then.  I thought it was odd for him to say he was sick considering he was perfectly fine when I dropped him off at 7:50.  Well... 10:20 rolled around & the nurse called back.  She said that Samuel's teacher said he'd been in the bathroom off & on ever since our last phone call & kept complaining that he felt bad.  I called a sub & left.  When I got there, the nurse said she'd been sending kids home right & left with a stomach virus.  Oh boy....

We came home & Samuel rested the rest of the day in front of the TV.  I spent the day doing dishes, laundry, making our menu for the next week & planning the grocery list for tonight's shopping trip, planning Samuel & Sarah's class Christmas parties and writing up the letter that the teachers will send home w/ the students.  You know..just the usual busy work stuff.

Through the course of the day, Samuel's sick tummy never turned into anything & he seems 100% better tonight so he'll go back to school tomorrow.

Tonight I got online & ordered almost all of the rest of the kids' Christmas gifts.  I only have a few things left to buy for them and then we get to start on the relatives that we shop for (which isn't many).'s been a full day, but a good one.

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