Monday, January 21, 2008

Prayers for Noah

About six or eight months ago, I was reading a MOMYS digest (MOMYS=Mothers of Many Young Siblings).  One of the members posted a prayer request for her little boy, Noah.  She included a link to their blog where she lets people keep up with Noah's progress.  Noah has a mitochondrial disorder & has a host of medical problems.  Basically since birth, he's been sick in one way or another.  His illnesses aren't simple.  If he gets sick at all, it's severe, require a weeks-long stay in the hospital.  He's had multiple surgeries and deals with all sorts of things day in & day out.  Anyway, Kate (his mom) is due any day with Noah's baby brother.  Noah is the youngest of a family of 7 or 8 children, so & dad have their hands full.  They are tickled pink about the coming new addition, and Noah is once again in the hospital.  They are a beautiful family.  Mom & Dad always share the things they're thankful for as well as the things to pray about for Noah.  They are a family of great faith & deep conviction.  Anyway......if you'd like to keep up with Noah, feel free to visit their blog at: 

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