Monday, February 18, 2008

So blessed!

Over the weekend, my kiddos have been sick.  I want to whine & complain, but their illnesses have been minor childhood diseases that most kids get at some point in time.  I have been reminded how blessed I am recently in my childrens' health & overall well being.  One of my students at school was born with clubfeet.  I don't have a picture of her feet specifically, but when I looked online, I found this image that I am fairly sure gives a decent idea of what "A"'s feet looked like at birth.

"A" has had several surgeries since birth to correct her feet.  Her mother explained to me that most children with clubfeet only have an issue with the muscles being turned in the wrong direction and physical therapy & braces on the legs can correct it.  However in some cases, like "A"'s, it is a rotation of the bones in the lower leg, so more intervention & therapy is needed.  "A" had surgery in mid January to cut through those bones, rotate them correctly, pin them into place & cast both legs.  Since that time, "A" has been in casts to the tops of her thighs, unable to stand on her own.  I was honored to be able to go to her house & visit with her a couple of weeks ago.  She giggled & played with me the whole time I was there.  What a treat!  Last week was our Valentine's Day party at school & "A"'s mom brought her for the special day.  Everyone was so excited to see her.

All of the kids took turns pushing her in the wheelchair all around the school.  She went to the playground with us & I had the best time getting her to slide.  Looks like she had fun, too...check out the grin on her face!

"A" had a blast being at school with all of the other kids, interacting with them and enjoying their company after a month at home.  It was so neat to see her crawl around on the floor like nothing had ever happened to her legs.  What a spunky little thing!!!!  She's a tough cookie,that's for sure!  At the end of the day, her mom took a funny picture of us.  (She had a red sucker& I was copying her trying to get her to smile for the picture.)

Thank you God for giving my kids only "minor" illnesses this weekend.  Thank you for giving each of us, as parents, what we can handle right here, right now.  Thank you for "A"'s fun personality & her ability to breeze through this surgery like nobody's business.  Thank you for her resilience and tough spirit.  You are good.

1 comment:

  1. You're such a goofball in that last pic...I LOVE it!

    Great post. I think the Lord gives children born with a birth defect something special in their personalities. They need it to get through the surgeries, the ridicule, the tough things their little lives hold for them. At least I know that holds true for Rachel, she's strong willed (not always a negative thing. LOL), she's outgoing, and friendly.

    Praise the Lord that "Miss A" has such a wonderful place to come to and has friends and wonderful teachers that care for her and are excited to see her and include her.


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