Thursday, February 28, 2008


I had every intention of going back to work today.  Really, I did.  Until I ate breakfast this morning...and promptly "lost it" all.  And ever since I have been queasy.  Oh joy.  Gosh I hope I ate something that was bad & I am not actually sick.  That sure would be nice if that was the case!

Samuel *saw* me throw up and in turn, is now queasy himself.  This after we'd JUST had a conversation about how he's never missed a day of school this year.  Oh well, I guess ONE day isn't so bad.

And so, this queasy mama is at home with 2 sick kids today.  Blech.  This isn't how I'd hoped to spend my day at all.

I hope this all passes by later today so that I can go to work tomorrow.  I miss the kids at school & my paycheck sure will be light this time around.

1 comment:

  1. hope you are feeling better soon! my little one just went back to school for the first time today after being sick for a week! well really almost 2 weeks, but she missed a week of school!

    ~~~Make it a Great Day~~~


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