Monday, February 25, 2008

Yawn! My life since Friday

After work on Friday, the kids went to the home of some of our friends for the night.  Larry had to go to Dallas for a funeral visitation & I went out of town with my mom for a conference.  The kids were treated to a night of fun with our church kids' group at the skating rink while Larry & I did "grown up stuff".

Mom & I travelled to Longview, TX for a ladies conference there.  It's called "Feminar".  The only way I can describe it is a smaller, more intimate version of Women of Faith.  There was one particular speaker that mom & I both liked.  I wouldn't mind hearing her again sometime.  Her name is Ellie Lefaro.  You can read about her here:  She is a native New Yorker who fits all the stereotypical "New Yorker" traits.  She even gave us lessons in speaking like a New Yorker.  :)  The musical guests were not that great, but that's only because they were southern gospel singers....NOT my favorite at all.  However, they were tolerable because they were excited about what they were doing & that always makes it more tolerable.

On Saturday morning, our friends "returned" the kids to Larry in time for Samuel's last basketball game at the YMCA.  When Larry & the kids got home, they set about cleaning our backyard so it would be appropriate for our "home visit".

Yes, you read that right.  We had to have a 'homestudy' done because we're considering the adoption of a dog who is with a local animal rescue group.  The group is very thorough about checking out potential pet parents because they want the animals to be taken care of & loved.

I got home from the conference with mom in just enough time to help finish straightening up the house & get ready for the visit.  The lady arrived & walked around the backyard and then came inside for a peek.  It turns out that we passed with flying colors (tee hee).  It does seem like an awful lot of Hoop-La for a *DOG*, but at the same time, we're excited.  The dog we're looking at is listed here:  Adopt KING - Keeshond, Collie Dog   King really seems like the IDEAL dog for us.  We can't wait to meet him Thursday night.  If it goes well & Sarah likes him, we'll go ahead & start the process to bring him home soon.  (Don't worry...I'll take pictures so everyone can see him!)

On Sunday morning, Sarah complained that her tummy hurt.   She kept me on my toes all day long, wondering whether or not she was sick.  In the end, I think it was all a matter of sinus drainage making her a little nauseous all day.

This morning, I woke up excited to face a day at home to do errands, clean up, and just relax.  My school was closed today, so I had the day off.  You wouldn't believe the list of things I accomplished this morning.  By 11:30, I had:

*made our bed
*cleaned both bathrooms (toilet/tub/counters)
*started 2 loads of clothes
*finished all my March lesson plans & supply lists
*listened to a sounds tape for work to verify that it still works (it does!)
*made a trip to the bank & Savannah's school (to get cash & pay for her yearbook)
*listed some books on
At 11:30, I went & got lunch for Samuel & I and went to his school.  I took his Indian costume for his book report he'd do later today when I went, too.  (I figured he'd squash it in his backpack if I sent it with him this morning.)  I had lunch with him & got back home with great plans for the afternoon.  I had barely made it through the front door when the phone rang.  It was the school nurse calling to tell me that Savannah was in the office with 101 fever!  Yikes.  Where did THAT come from?  I went to pick her up & called the pediatrician.  Since she's still taking an antibiotic from last week's strep throat, I knew that the medicine ought to kill whatever is causing her fever.  The concern was whether she had the flu or if the strep throat was stronger than the antibiotic she's been taking.  I made her appointment for 3:30 & then went back to my day's tasks.  Between 12:30 when I picked her up & 2:45 when we left to go pick up Sarah & Samuel, I:
*listed a ton of stuff on ebay
*called to register myself for a class I'm attending tomorrow night for work (training hours)
*emptied all the trashcans in the house
*gathered up the ingredients for tonight's supper & set them out, ready to cook
*gathered up all the library books to return this afternoon
When the time rolled around, Savannah & I went and picked up the other kids and then we all headed to the doctor's office.  It turns out that Savannah doesn't have strep OR the flu.  It's just a virus that will have to run its course.  She can't go back to school til she's fever free for 24 hours (& feeling better), so she's staying home from school tomorrow.  Luckily, Larry worked it out so that he can stay home & work from here tomorrow, so he'll do that.
After we left the doctor's office, we dropped the books off at the library & I TRIED to go early vote, but I couldn't get to the polling place due to construction.  Sigh...I'll try again tomorrow.
After cooking & serving dinner, I watched part of House Hunters tonight and then tucked kids into bed & ran to the grocery store for some fresh fruit (we were OUT).
Hmm....what else can I do before bedtime?  (ha ha)  I think I'm going to go collapse now.  Who was it that said a woman's work is never done?  Whew....ain't that the truth?!



  1. Being a New Yorker, Love Ellie Lefaro already :) Sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  2. Sounds like a VERY productive day! I love days like that!


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