Saturday, April 26, 2008

Pinewood Derby race

This morning was our Pinewood Derby race at church.  The girls did great!  Both of them had minimally designed/decorated cars, but their little blocks of wood didn't do half bad!  Here is Savannah's car, called "Spots".  It won 2nd place in the open division (family members of the Royal Rangers & Missionettes could enter this category, so she was racing against adults & siblings).  Way to go, Spots!

This is Sarah's car, called "The Pink Flash".  She only lost 2 races all day, but apparently there were other cars who won all their races or just lost once with better times than her, because she didn't place, but she did get a participation ribbon & certificate.  She was a little bummed about that, but she still had fun.

And to illustrate the JOY that was Savannah today....

Sorry for the blurred pic.  She was up late last night & got a little sunburned (see her cheeks & nose?) so she was a real thrill to hang out with today.  This pic was AFTER they got their awards...even that didn't make her smile.  She said it made her face hurt to smile, so she didn't all day.  :::sigh:::

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