Friday, May 16, 2008

Tues & Thurs May 13 & 15

On Tuesday, I had the privelege of going to the Discovery Science Place with Sarah on he class field trip.  I love that place!  It's the same kids' science museum that our kids have gone to for day camps the past several years in the summertime.  They have a ton of fun & because we're there so often, we know most of the staff.  Anyway, I went on the trip with them.  Here are a few pictures I took.

In this first one, she was rolling golf balls around in this wishing well.  She is always drawn to this thing.  In fact, she busted her head open on her way to this very spot when she was about 2 1/2 years old.  She's got the scar on her right eyebrow to prove it, too!

...and here she is looking down over the side of the big ship that is inside the building!

She was being a silly goose here, looking into a kaleidoscope & peeking up at me.

She was playing a Magic Schoolbus game on the computer in one of the rooms in this pic.

After the museum, the class went to the park to play & eat pizza, but it started raining, so we had to leave & go back to the school.  All in all, it was a really fun day, despite the rain.

Tonight was Savannah's end of the year band concert.  It is really amazing to hear this group of kids play!  Nine months ago, none of them had ever touched their instruments before and they sound amazing!  I am so glad she enjoys band.  I never learned to play an instrument as a kid and have always wished I would have.  I still joke that I'm going to be the 45 year old student at piano lessons with the frustrated teacher one of these days.  ha!  Larry was in the band from 5th through 12th grade & is tickled pink to be walking down this road with her.  It brings back memories for him.  And tonight's band concert brought back memories for me, too.  You see, about 20 years ago, I sat in this same gymnasium & listened to MY FRIENDS play in the band at our pep rallies.  Just hearing the swell of the music as they played tonight flooded my mind with sweet middle school memories & reminded me of so many football games, pep rallies, concerts.  Oops...this wasn't about me, it was about my sweet girl!  Anyway...tonight was their concert.  We could not have been prouder!  The whole group did so well.  We loved the percussion group that did an ensemble of the William Tell Overture.  Awesome!  Wow!  Here are some pictures I took.

To give you some sort of idea of the size of their band.  This is the 6th grade only---the beginner band.  There are something like 175 kids in it.

Here is Savannah & her French Horn.  That's her on the end of the row w/ the black jumper style dress w/ the white tank top under it.

And afterward...she was pretty proud of herself, too.

Way to go, Savannah Banana!

(and note:  She is wearing socks this time!  ha ha!  If you don't know what I'm talking about, read this:


1 comment:

  1.  I think they sounded awesome too, and Grandma loves her with or without socks.  Way to go, Nana Bear!


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