Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 1 of Summer 2008

Since weekends don't count (well...I'm saying they don't anyway), today was day 1 of summer for the kids.  Larry stayed home with them.  I left them a list of "to-do" items so that chores would get done & they wouldn't get into mischief while I was gone.  Included on the list was 30 minutes of reading time.  Since Samuel is struggling a little with reading, I made a big wall chart for summer reading & the kids are getting 1 little sticker for each book they read.  We'll do some sort of little prize for every 15-20 books along the way, but I had each one of them set a BIG goal---how many books they wanted to read ALL summer.  Savannah said 100 books.  Samuel said 90.  Sarah said 60.  At the rate they're going, they just might meet all those goals!  Today, Savannah read 7 books.  Samuel read 4 books.  Sarah read 2.  The funny thing is...Savannah read 2 Junie B. Jones books in less than 30 minutes while we drove around this evening.  Crazy girl!  I swear she reads at the speed of light.  Sarah read 1 Junie B. Jones book and a little book about Biscuit, the dog.  Samuel read the same Biscuit book & another one that size along with 2 other books.  They really got into the stickers on the poster tonight.  Hopefully they'll keep this much enthusiasm going all summer long!

Today was my summer school in-service day.  I rearranged my centers, made new chair & peg tags, prepped for tomorrow and talked to my coworkers a lot.  (ha!)  I really did get a lot accomplished and I'm ready for tomorrow.  I'll have 6 kids this first summer session.  I've been told repeatedly by all the other teachers that summers at Oak Tree are incredibly layed back and that 1/2 the time, most of the kids don't show up because they're on vacations or whatever.  So we'll see how many of mine actually come!  Six is do-able if they all come.

After I got home tonight, we went to the church.  Since today is not normally Larry's day off, he needed to go in & work for at least a little while to get some stuff done.  Since there was a reception for our newly-hired Senior Adults pastor at 6:00, we all went with him at 3:00.  The kids & I hung out in an empty Sunday School room where they could watch TV and read (yahoo!) while I worked on a project I had brought with me from school.  We even dipped into the never-ending sherbert supply from the freezer in the room.  This is the room where all the baby & wedding showers are held so there is alwaysssss leftover sherbert in the freezer from all the punch made in that room.  (Thank you, Lord, for leftover sherbert!  The kids were getting bored at the point where I pulled out sherbert & plastic spoons!  We attended the reception tonight, mingled with the elderly crowd and had dinner with them.  It was really nice and the kids did so well.  I was very proud of them.

:::sigh:::  I drank some Dr. Pepper today.  It's 12:14am!  I am going to go take a hot shower & try to get drowsy.  Goodnight!

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