Monday, July 21, 2008

The 50th Day of Summer! Mon July 21

NEWS! NEWS! NEWS!  Larry's dad was released from the hospital an hour or so ago.  The doctor checked on him & decided that he was stable enough to go home.  They're going to do an outpatient stress test later this week, but for now, the medicines they've given him are enough to keep him stable.  We'll be driving over tonight to check on him.

Also--- Samuel is off to his first week of camp (ever!).  He was excited to leave this morning, but still a little apprehensive.  I'm nervous too, but I know he's going to have fun!  Here's my little camper, all packed up & ready to go!

One last prayer with the group before they left.  There are about 45 kids from our church going to camp!  (I don't have a wide angle lens, so I'm missing some of the kids in this pic.)

And off they go.......

Havea  good week baby boy!  I love you!


  1.   AWWW!  He's my baby boy.  He is too wittle to go off by himself for a week.  I wish I could be a fly on the wall and watch him try to do things with no help. I emailed him tonight and sent the card this morning.   I'm ansxous to hear all about this week.      Mom

  2. Aw, he looks so brave! That's one BIG bus to be sending your little guy off on! I bet he'll have a great time!
    Love, Alyssa


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