Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday Aug 11, Summer day 72

Today, Larry's cousin Marci got married.

Marci is 28.  She met her new husband, Craig, in the Army.  About a year ago, Marci finished up her service & did not re-enlist, but she still lives near the base where she was last stationed.

Today was the first time that my kids have been in a wedding.  Savannah was the candle lighter.  Sarah was the flower girl.  Samuel was one of the ring bearers.  All three of them did a great job.

During the wedding, they lit a memorial candle in honor of Marci's mom, Sandy, who passed away Nov. 9, 2006.  (go back in the archives & read about our sweet Aunt Sandy if you were not here to read about it at the time)

Sandy would've enjoyed the wedding today.  She sure was missed.

Larry did the ceremony today.

We fielded a few 'interesting' questions on the way home from the wedding.  Sarah asked how Craig had a son (the other ring bearer) if he was just now getting married to Marci.  After all, you can't have a kid without being married, right?  :)

Later, Savannah heard us talking about their honeymoon & asked what a honeymoon is for.  We gave a quick explanation that it was for the couple to have a short trip alone to spend time together as a newly married couple.  Later, she asked where we went on our honeymoon.  I told her we'd been to Dallas.  She asked "What did you do there?"  ha ha!  I love kids' honesty & innocence.

And here's the cutest one.  Here is another picture of the 2 ring bearers before I move on.  It'll help with this story.

Andre & Samuel became quick friends today.  They're about the same size (although 2 years apart) and since they were the only 2 little boys there, they buddied up pretty fast.  On the way home, Samuel told us how he & Andre had so much in common.  He said "We even look alike!  If we had the same kind of hair, the same color skin & eyes, people would think we were twins!"    ha ha!

What a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures and really love the discussions with your children.  I love those questions.  Good job with those answers.  Congrats to the family.


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