What exactly does a girl do on her 14th anniversary? Well....in my case, nothing really anniversary-related. ha ha! Seriously, our trip this past weekend was our gift to each other, so today was just another day. I did find a surprise on Larry's blog site (a sweet post about me!) and he was first to say "Happy Anniversary" to me this morning. I'm blessed. :) Seriously though, that was about it for the anniversary celebration.
This morning, I took a friend of mine who recently took a job at a local church as Children's Ministry director on a tour of our church children's department rooms. She was looking for some ideas. Our church spent a lot of money hiring a professional creative team to come in & design our rooms to engage the kids & excite them. They are truely phenomenal. Just a sampling of our preschool & elementary classrooms. The kids LOVE it!
When I got done with that, I went to pick up Savannah & made the executive decision to stop at Sonic for lunch. yummy!
During the kids' quiet time, I finished up my September lesson plans & calendar for school. It was nice to get those done & out of the way. Now I can focus on the inservice time next week & enjoy my Open House days without concerning myself with finishing these!
You may ask what exactly do I teach the kids about? Here's an idea. It is a theme/unit list for the school year. (if you have to squint too much & really want to see, email me & I'll send you a bigger version of this pic)
my calendar for the month---
and my lesson plans---
When I got done with those, I set about labelling all the kids' school supplies. Holy smokes. That took 2 hours! Of course, I do have 3 kids & lots of supplies for each one of them. See? The first pic is Samuel & Sarah's supplies. The second pic is Savannah's supplies---or at least the ones we have so far. We were instructed to get these & then wait for a separate list from each of her teachers. Oy!
Somehow, I ended up with an extra box of markers. I'm not sure how that happened, but I'm going to hang onto them. It won't be long til someone will need more or they'll need them for doing homework.
We went to church tonight & now everyone is home and has hit the bed. Pretty exciting day, huh? ha ha!
Liz..your church pictures are AWESOME.. That would make me want to come to church for sure and learn...