Thursday, September 18, 2008

Band Nerds Rock!

In all of our band family glory, tonight before the game:

I took quite a few pictures tonight at the game, but I will spare you most of them.  This is where the band sat.  Look at how many kids there are in the Jr. High band!!

My niece & Savannah both play French Horn.  I don't know if this pic will show up big enough for you to spot them, but if you put your finger in the very center of this pic, my niece & Savannah are just below your finger, to the left, looking directly at the camera.  Savannah said they saw me holding the camera & posed for me!

It was a great night.  Our team won the first game 24-0.  I'm not sure what the final score was on the 2nd game, but they were doing pretty well when we left.

On a more serious note, please add my father in law to your prayer lists.  He is in the hospital again.

1 comment:

  1. Liz,
    Savannah is such a beautiful young lady! I am amazed every time I see her how grown up she's looking!
    That IS a huge band!!! ANd I do think I can see her!
    Love, Alyssa


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