Saturday, September 6, 2008

my First Week of School

On Tuesday, September 2, my school opened the doors for the 2008-2009 school year.  The kids all arrived a little early, got their gear stowed on our peg shelf and we started the day.  That first day was hard.  Really hard.  The first month is usually the toughest as we work on everyone learning how to behave, how my clss works, what is expected of them, how to interact with their new friends and so on.  But add to that the first day jitters & tears and well, wow.  It was such a hard day.

The following day, I went back to work.  (& really...I should get some sort of award for that, shouldn't I?  ha ha)  The group of kids on that day was less teary-eyed that the day before and so the day went really smoothly.  I left school skipping & singing instead of dragging and feeling like I needed caffeine.  You see, my Monday/Wednesday/Friday group and my Tuesday/Thursday group are markedly different in so many ways.  As the week went on, each day got a little easier.  I could feel the prayers of so many people who I'd asked to join me in praying for a smooth week.

The highlight of my week was seeing "my" kids from last year.  Each one that I saw greeted me with giggles & laughter & hugs & kisses.  Several of them spotted me from down the hall & came running to the tune of "Mrs. Liz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".  It makes my heart swell every time one of them comes by to see me after school, just to say hello & check in with me for a little snuggle time.  I see them on the playground & they talk to me through the fence.  While my class was in music this week, I went to peek into their rooms & wave to them.  I even peeked out my classroom door & made silly faces at them while they were in music class.  I see them doing so well in a new class & see how often they want to come say Hello & give me a hug and I, I did something right last year.  They all still remember me & love me.  Hooray!  Hopefully I'll leave the same impression on my new class this year!

My prayer for the year is that each one of 'my' kids spends enough one on one time with me every day that they feel like, at least for a couple of minutes, that they & I are the only 2 people in the room.  I want them to have my pure, undivided, full attention for a little time every day.  I want them to know that I love them & care for them.  I want them to feel safe with me and to learn lots of fun stuff!!  In the end, I want to see a new set of kids running to greet me & tell me hello for no special reason.  I want to make a difference in their lives.

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