Whew...what a day. It's been a full one.
At 8:00 this morning, I went to a PTO executive board meeting. Let me just tell ya....while the job I'm doing is NOT a particularly difficult one, I don't see myself signing up to help again next year. Maybe I'm just lazy or maybe I want to let someone else handle it, but seriously, I'm pulling my hair out doing my one simple little job. I don't know how the ladies who are doing the more involved jobs are doing it! It's only October (yikes...it's already October!) and I'm ready to turn in my PTO nametag. Good heavens.
After the meeting, I went onto work. It was a good day. After all, I had music class today, which always makes for a great day! After all, on music class days, I get a 20 minute break! Yahoo!
After work, as I've done every other day this week, I rushed home to check my emails (to hear from Larry!). I've gotten so excited each day to come in & see how his day was, hear about what he did & just to have that little connection with him. I am sure ready to get him home, but it's exciting to hear/see what he's doing each day and to know that he's safe & sound. Here's the email from today:
we just got back from working ina town about thirty minutes away. i think we saw 200 people, it was crazy.
high blood pressure is so common.
many abortions.
saw one guy whose feet have no circulation in them, he was wanting to know if we could fix them. they will have to be cut off. he is only 42. very sad, we dont know why he has this.
saw a young couple, the man has hepatitis. he was 25.
we set up today in a comunity center that is rented out for parties and weddings.
i got to drive a van in romanian traffic. it was a vw microbus. we got to see pastor peter's church. it was small, but very beautiful. very simple. it had this long row of bushes and flowers on the side walk.
we passed many fields today that were being burned off,
we saw some people today whos id card were those issued by the communists thirty years ago.
some people got upset because some gypsies got ahead of them in line.
one lady told me that she wanted to see the dr because her husband makes her mad. i told her that husbands do this, she should take her shoe and hit him. {NOTE: This soooooo sounds like something my silly husband would say!!}
one lady said that when she gets mad her throat swells, i told her not to get mad anymore.
i saw the largest goiter on somones neck that i have ever seen.
we saw many people with absessed teeth.
there was this one beautiful little gypsy girl with the prettiest dress i have ever seen. i had somone get a pic with my camera, we will see if it comes out.
i am tired. i am going to eat and shower and pass out.
i love you very much. i miss by babies.
thank you for being a good wife.
It's not a lot of info, but it's what I'm clinging to each day. I can see his goofy sense of humor in his words & I can hear his heart, so it's what I've got for now. I'm anxious to see all the pictures when he gets home and to hear the stories firsthand with more detail. Tomorrow is their last full day of ministry. They will have to pack up & get ready to leave the following day. They are several hours ahead of us, so please pray for them late tonight & into the early hours tomorrow.
This afternoon after work, I was able to spend a few minutes reading the first chapter & 1/2 of my new book---
Larry bought it for me before he left & today was the first chance I had to start reading it. So far, so good!!!!
It's late. I'm going to go pack lunches & get into bed (probably to read a little more!). Goodnight.
I just started that Baxter series. I'm about halfway through Remember right now. :-)