Well, sorta.
I also read a bunch of blogs. In my favorites, I have no less than 50 blog links. Some are church friends from our current or previous churches. Some are personal friends, work friends. Some are people I've met online over the years who've become dear to me. Others belong to complete strangers who I really FEEL LIKE I know in real life because I've been reading about them & their families for so long. I check in on most of them at least every few days. Some I check daily. There are some that I know only post on Fridays (hi Kandice!) or ones that only post something now & then (hi Lisa H!). There are others who post every day, or nearly every day (I can't say hi to all of you...we'd be here all night). You get the idea. I read other people's blogs.
Then there are REAL BLOGGERS. You know the ones. The folks who reallyyyyyyyyy get into the blog world. The ones who are paid bloggers. I don't know how that works exactly, but if someone can let me know how to make some money off this gig, I'm up for it. 'Til then, I'll just read your blogs & think about how lucky you are to make some cash off writing about your life online.
I think it's those paid folks who come up with these blog award things. Every now & then, I see a friend post that they've received a bloggy award. It's cute & the little picture they get to post on their blog makes their blog page look pretty, but really...I'm not sure what else it's good for. I mean, I can't exactly list it on my resume. Or can I? Hmm....
High School graduate 1994
College drop out Dec. 1994
Bookkeeper for major chain grocery store 1995-1996
Full Time Stay at home mom 1996-2005
Avon lady 2001-present
Preschool teacher for school #1 2005-2007
Preschool teacher for 2nd school 2007-present
Voted Teacher of the year by 2nd school teachers (May 2008)
Blog awards November 2008
Nobel Peace Prize 2008
Oh wait....that doesn't look right. Oh yeah.....that's because the last one never happened, but you get the idea. It seems strange to throw that the blog award in there, doesn't it? So, what do I do with a blog award? For now, it's on my sidebar to show off to all the readers (all 10 of you) who visit my blog. Aren't you impressed?
Seriously, I'm touched that I was awarded these things. It's really cool that someone who barely knows me (but reads my blog regularly) would give me an award for just being who I am & typing up posts about my life & my little family each night. It got me to thinking, though. Like the Nichole Nordeman song (Legacy) says,
I don't mind if you've got something nice to say about me
And I enjoy an accolade like the rest
You could take my picture and hang it in a gallery
Of all the who's who and so-n-so's that used to be the best
At such'n'such ... it wouldn't matter much
I won't lie, it feels alright to see your name in lights
We all need an 'Atta boy' or 'Atta girl'
But in the end I'd like to hang my hat on more besides
The temporary trappings of this world
I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love?
Did I point to You enough To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who blessed your name
And leave that kind of legacy
Yeah.......that's the kind of award I want. I hope that I've left that sort of mark on your hearts as you read my blog.
PS I received my blog awards from Jamey over at her blog. Here's a link to her "Walking by Faith" blog: http://jamey-walkingbyfaith.blogspot.com/ THANK YOU JAMEY!!!!!!!!!!! You rock!
Your welcome! you rock as well! It is so cool to get to meet people you would otherwise never meet!Plus your beating me at scabble so I am hoping to distract you with awards! :0)