Savannah got a scrapbook kit & has been having fun putting it together.
Sarah got some cool art stuff! I know she looks thrilled in this picture (sarcasm!), but she really does LOVE all of her cool stuff. She's had fun with it.
My mom made Samuel a cool matching set of PJs & a robe, all Dallas Cowboys print. He loves them!
Every year, my mom gives all my kids the oppurtunity to have a gift they can unwrap or a chance to go shopping w/ her. They all love the idea of having a special time alone with grandma, so that's usually what they choose. Today, mom took Savannah, Sarah & my niece for their day of shopping. (They all went together this time!) They went to eat then ran around to a million different stores looking for the perfect things to buy. While they were gone, Samuel & I had a fun day together. We played 2 fun rounds of "War" (card game). We played Battleship. We got him registered to play YMCA basketball again. We went to the grocery store for a couple things. We made cookies together. Awww...what a great morning!
This afternoon, Savannah went to spend the night w/ my niece and my mom took Samuel & Sarah to her house. Wow! A kid-free evening. Larry & I had great plans. We wanted to go eat (we had an Outback gift card to use) and we planned to see Yes Man. It turns out that I began feeling sick while we were out & had to cut the evening short. I did get to eat some fabulous grilled chicken & broccoli before the evening was ended. Sure wish it had turned out differently...but I'll survive. Before ya know it, the movie we planned to see will be out on DVD & we'll just rent it.
I am glad you are feeling better, now.