Monday, December 29, 2008

Update since Christmas

On the day after Christmas, we went to my sister's house for my family's get together. It was a great time to visit with them & enjoy the holiday together. A few pictures I took --

Savannah, my niece & Sarah, all opening gifts side by side. (That's my uncle on the right...who looks remarkably like my dad.)

Savannah got a scrapbook kit & has been having fun putting it together.

Sarah got some cool art stuff! I know she looks thrilled in this picture (sarcasm!), but she really does LOVE all of her cool stuff. She's had fun with it.

My mom made Samuel a cool matching set of PJs & a robe, all Dallas Cowboys print. He loves them!

Late that night, after everyone was in bed, I went to take a shower & came back to find this in my bed. That's Sarah on the left (on my pillow) and Larry on the right (you just see his arm sticking out from the covers). I love it when the kids come snuggle with us, but there's something extra sweet about one of the kids coming in to huddle with Daddy when mom's not there. I later learned that Sarah had a bad dream & came to our bed for some comfort. Larry had comforted her & offered her my pillow to lay on while they talked & snuggled. They both ended up falling asleep & this is how I found them.

Every year, my mom gives all my kids the oppurtunity to have a gift they can unwrap or a chance to go shopping w/ her. They all love the idea of having a special time alone with grandma, so that's usually what they choose. Today, mom took Savannah, Sarah & my niece for their day of shopping. (They all went together this time!) They went to eat then ran around to a million different stores looking for the perfect things to buy. While they were gone, Samuel & I had a fun day together. We played 2 fun rounds of "War" (card game). We played Battleship. We got him registered to play YMCA basketball again. We went to the grocery store for a couple things. We made cookies together. Awww...what a great morning!

This afternoon, Savannah went to spend the night w/ my niece and my mom took Samuel & Sarah to her house. Wow! A kid-free evening. Larry & I had great plans. We wanted to go eat (we had an Outback gift card to use) and we planned to see Yes Man. It turns out that I began feeling sick while we were out & had to cut the evening short. I did get to eat some fabulous grilled chicken & broccoli before the evening was ended. Sure wish it had turned out differently...but I'll survive. Before ya know it, the movie we planned to see will be out on DVD & we'll just rent it.

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