On Friday, it all began. I woke up with a hoarse voice & recognized the tiny bit scratchy feeling in my throat. Sinus drainage. yuck. I do this a couple times a year. I have some drainage & it settles on my vocal chords & I sound croaky & awful for a week and then my voice recovers. I don't usually FEEL bad, I just SOUND bad. I went to work expecting to be asked a thousand times if I was ok. Sure enough, they asked.
I guess it effected me worse than I realized that day. I came home after my last day with my class at school & layed down on my bed. I really wasn't sleepy at all. I just wanted to take a 5 minute break before I got up & went again. It was 2:50. I had 10 min til I had to leave to pick up the kids. At 3:35 the phone rang. As soon as I looked at the clock, I knew who it was! Sure enough, it was the school calling to ask where I was. I felt SOOOOOOOOOOOO bad. Luckily, I made it to the school in 2 minutes flat! (Seriously.) We're only about 2 miles from the school & the afternoon traffic was already gone, so I put the pedal to the metal. I think I went airborn over the speed bumps in the school driveway & pulled up to the curb on 2 wheels. The lady who had called me was on the PTO executive board with me this year (she also happens to work at the school) & she was standing at the curb with the kids, giggling. She knew how panicked I sounded on the phone & got a kick out of the speed with which I arrived at the school. I apologized profusely while she said over & over "It's ok!!!". The kids piled in & we went to pick up Savannah at her school where she was one of the THREE remaining kids.
Ugh. Worst mommy award for me! Luckily, I was able to win their affections back with some Sonic for supper that night. (ha ha)
It occured to me that night as I began coughing quite a bit that maybe, just maybe this sinus drainage stuff was wearing me down more than I realized. In case that was the truth, I went to bed a little early that night (it was only 11-something after all) and proceeded to cough a few times before falling asleep. I remember waking up coughing a couple times, but after a sip of water, I had no trouble going back to sleep. Yeah, I've got this whooped. No biggie for me. After all, I've got a great immune system. I'm soooo rarely sick. Right?
Over the weekend, it's progressed to a little more than that. I cough the most at night, but I do cough a bit during the day, too. Last night was the worst. I literally slept maybe 2 1/2 hours all night long because of the coughing. I've done all my usual remedies & so far, nothing's worked. I've put Vick's Vaporub on my chest & feet (google it if you don't know why!), I've taken Sudafed Cough & Cold, I've taken Robitussin. I've propped myself up on a hundred pillows. I've kept a water bottle on the nightstand & sipped on that when I wake up coughing (assuming I get to sleep at all--and of course that leads to a thousand potty trips for this 3 time mommy who is squirming & squeezing my thighs together with all this coughing!! Sorry...I know, TMI.). Last night I finally gave up & went to Larry's recliner in the living room about 4 am. I finally quit coughing enough to sleep a little bit.
Today, 2 friends recommended Mucinex so I decided to give it a try. I also bought some cough drops & some Nyquil (capsules). I took Mucinex about 3:30 & after about 3-4 hours, I did notice that it might've been doing something---breaking up the crud & making me cough more (but the coughing was a little more, umm, productive than before). Before I get in bed tonight, I'm taking the Nyquil & doing the Vicks thing again.
What bugs me most is that all the coughing has irritated my lungs enough to flare up my asthma a little bit. That's what happens when you cough for 4 days straight, a thousand times a day. I've pulled out Sarah's extra inhaler (because mine is out of date by about 2 years & we're not insured right now so I can't go get a new one) & I'm using it. We have the same type of inhaler so it's OK...and she's got several extras anyway!
You know, there are muscles in my back & shoulder blade area that I didn't know existed. They're all sore now from this incessant coughing. yuck.
On the bright side, I've nearly finished a book I've been reading. Haven't felt like doing much else!
Hope you start to feel better.. If you notice any green to any of that production you are going to have to go to a doctor for an antibiotic but hopefully it will start to clear up...