Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What a crazy day!

Today was nuts at work!

The day began with one of our Pre-K teachers finding a lovely 4 letter word (that begins with F) on the chalkboard outside her classroom door. She jokingly said "I know I've taught the kids phonics this year, but I don't think any of them know THAT word." We can only guess that maybe the cleaning crew (who comes in the evening) brought their child with them & they wrote it. The teacher quickly got rid of that word...but maybe we should've taken it as a sign of the nutty day ahead.

About 11:30 or 12:00, the Kindergarten teacher was taking her class outside when a bird got into the building. It was scared & flying into the walls, dive bombing our music teacher, trying its best to get out of the building. In a panic, it flew into the resource room where one of our directors got a hold of it & released it back outdoors.

If only that was the craziest part of the day...

About 12:40, the teacher next door to me took her class outside for a short playtime before the parents came (at 1:00). They weren't out there but 10 minutes before one of the children fell off a toy & busted open her head! She quickly scooped up the child & brought her inside to inspect the injury. Before the rest of us knew that there was a problem, the directors had called an ambulance. Of course, it and a firetruck arrived right as the parents did and there was some mass craziness in the driveway to the school. Of course, I would panic too if I were them, but every parent came sprinting across the front lawn of the school worried that it was THEIR child. Thankfully, the little girl's dad showed up about the time that the ambulance crew was ready to load her up & transport her to the hospital. She needed to have her head sewn up, but otherwise she was OK. I don't envy the directors & that teacher. Between incident reports & licensing rep interviews...boy oh boy. What a day!

It was nice to come home to a quiet house with no crazy birds or ambulance crews!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Liz!
    I've been reading your blog in Google Reader so haven't been to your actual blog in a while (mainly because I was on dial-up for a while there!). I love your new springy look! :)
    That WAS a crazy day you guys had! How did the dad handle the situation?
    We had a neighbor child scrawl THAT word (a few times with various animals added in between) on a street sign on our road. We only have 3 neighbors around us that have children. We are pretty sure who did it but he's older than Alek, and thankfully not too bright- he spelled *that* word wrong. Gabe & Gracie were the ones that discovered the graffiti & came in asking what *that* word meant, but pronounced the U with the long U sound. I was SO ticked. I'm really irritated with these neighbors (these are the same neighbors with the dog that got Noosh pregnant). Anyway.
    Hope you're feeling better, hon!
    Love, Alyssa


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