Before I forget...check out this site. We've been really impressed with the Virtue Pack that we picked up at church a couple of weeks ago. It's a new 'pack' every month that includes a CD to listen to while driving. The story on it is similar to an Adventures in Odyssey story....a real story with Scripture & morals woven throughout. The kids have been quoting storylines frequently. There are also mealtime cards with ideas for mealtime conversations relating to the story & virtue of the month, as well as bedtime story cards and little cards you can write to your kids to encourage them. Although you could feasibly be done with the pack in 1 week's time, they only create a new one once a month. onto the rest of my post!
Above you will find the Bible verse that the kids & I are working on this week. You may notice a recurrent theme in these verses. Love your neighbor....a gentle word turns away everything without arguing & complaining. My precious little *angels* have only been out of school for a few weeks & they already need these gentle reminders for their attitudes & behavior toward one another. Boy oh boy.....late August ought to be grand. (groan) But then again...maybe some of the verses they're learning will have sunk in by then. (Why yes....the Bible tells us that His word doesn't come back accomplishes its I'm going to trust God to do His work & move these little hearts. If He doesn't, I may have to move some other part of their bodies!) ha ha!
Yesterday we went to work like we normally do on Tues/Thurs. No big news there...just the usual stuff.
Today the kids and I travelled out of town to visit my mother & father in law and Larry's grandmother (does that make her my grandmother in law?). Afterward, we met Savannah's best girlfriends in a nearby town. These are the same girlfriends I've mentioned before that moved away several years ago. They've kept in touch all these years and they still visit several times a year. It's been nearly 6 years since they left. The girls were 7 when they moved....and now they're all 13 (or nearly 13 in Savannah's case). I find it remarkable that even after all these years, they all still love each other! So cool! Anyway, Savannah went home with them & will stay for a week. Samuel, Sarah & I will go back to pick her up next Wednesday. It was late afternoon by the time we got home, so we came in & had some quiet reading time before it was time to cook dinner.
Tomorrow ought to be fun at work. If you didn't get it the first time, re-read that last sentence with a huge amount of sarcasm. It's our school-wide picnic day. In 100+ degree weather. With small children who have a hard time sitting still inside the classroom. Oh yeah. Gotta love that. Are you blowing your party noisemakers with me yet?
Oh yeah, we live a wild & crazy life over here.
I hope you have one of those little personal fan/mister things to stay cool! :)