Thursday, June 25, 2009

SUMMER DAY 27, Thur June 25

When I came home from work this afternoon, a friend of mine on Facebook had posted something about how celebrity deaths usually come in threes. He mentioned Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett & asked the question "will Michael Jackson be the 3rd?". I had no idea what he was talking about.

A quick google search answered my questions.

A few minutes later, that same friend posted that Michael Jackson had been declared dead.

Wow. I haven't enjoyed anything about MJ's life or music in years, but I have loads of memories of him before he became a weirdo. To that end, enjoy these videos of MJ's early days.

(NOTE: The little boy in the commercial above is the same kid who played Carlton Banks on Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Kinda funny since Carlton's character couldn't dance worth a flip in the show.)

I can't embed this one, but if you'd like to see Beat It, go here.

Same thing with Billie Jean.

Here's Smooth Criminal:

And of course, the most iconic of all the MJ videos, Thriller! All of the ones I could find on youtube have had the embedding disabled, but this is a portion of the video....the best part, the big dance scene!

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