You know the ones. Those days where you wake up & pray that God will somehow warp time & you can blink and find yourself at the end of the day. The ones where you'd just rather skip the whole flippin' thing and avoid what is ahead. Maybe it's nothing life-altering or monumental, but it's a day you're dreading none the less. Whatever the case, we've all had one of those days, right?
It actually started last night, the dread of facing today. This was my facebook status before I went to bed last night:
Don't you love that feeling when you get home at the end of a busy day & you're actually home to stay for the night? Yeah, I'm looking forward to that about 24 hours from now. :)
See, I knew last night that today was going to be one of those days. Too busy. Too full. Too stressful. Ugh. At 10:30 last night, I was already looking forward to today being OVER.
Let me explain. It all started on Tuesday the 21st. LAST week. We were at Samuel & Sarah's evening swim class when a storm blew in. Halfway through class, they had to get out of the pool due to lightening. The teacher said we'd make up the class later. No big deal. Then they went back on Thursday night the 23rd. Ten minutes into the class, they pulled everyone out of the pool & shut it down. There was some sort of leak in the pool. The water level had dropped 5-6" in the few minutes since we got there. yikes. Big problem. Ok, so now we have 2 classes to make up. To make matters worse, on both of those nights, we had made arrangements with the swim teacher, Mr. Eric, to stay after class for a short private class. Samuel & Sarah are actually the only two Level 2 swimmers in their "Level 1 & 2" class, so he's having to spend so much time working with the Level 1 students that he hasn't been able to work with my two kids very much. Thankfully they're holding their own, but for them to pass the class, they have to do certain strokes, kicks, etc and he hasn't had any time to work with them on those specific things. Anyway, since the classes were cancelled, we weren't able to stay late & work on those things. This week, tonight actually, was due to be our last week of class, however with the make-up classes still needed to finish things up, we knew that things were going to stretch longer. Thankfully our sweet teacher offered to meet with us on Monday & Wednesday of this week (privately) to work on the Level 2 stuff, in addition to coming to regular swim classes with the rest of the class to make up for those 2 classes we had to miss last week.Ok, so fast forward to Sunday night. Mr. Eric called to tell us that the pool was still closed--til Tuesday. There went our private Monday lesson & the regular Tues night class. We'd try again on Wednesday for a private lesson. Wednesday rolled around & he called to say the pool was opened again, but it was still very cloudy & the water was a chilly 80 degrees. Not quite up to regular swimming temperature, so no Wednesday lesson either. :::sigh::: We agreed to meet him TODAY at 3:45 for our private lesson & then come back tonight for the regular class time.
I guess that's when it hit me that it was going to be one of those days. I knew that this would follow my day at work.
Let me just say this first before I go on. I love my job. I adore my job. I love the atmosphere. I love the 'family' I have at work. I can't imagine enjoying working anywhere else so much. I love teaching preschoolers. Sometimes there are kids who challenge my teaching skills...others that cause me to want to rip my hair out... but even still, I love my job. Really, I do! But Tuesday, well, let's just say it was not a heavenly day, if you get my drift (you know...not from Heaven, but from...). We'll leave it at that. The truth is, I have great kids in my class. But there is always that one that makes a teacher want to consider retirement at 35. Yeah, well, this summer I have 2 of those kids. I went home from work that day sweating from every pore on my body, my nerves were shot. I felt frazzled in the worst sense of the word & started thinking that maybe Preschool was not my calling after all. I wanted to crash into my bed & not get up til the next day. Knowing that I had to go back today & be in the same classroom full of munchkins had my skin crawling before I even went to bed last night.
I guess the biggest thing is that it has rained lately & the past 2 school days it was too wet to go outside at recess time. Trust me, a room full of 9 cooped-up three year olds is not ideal. And guess what? Last night we had a storm. I went to bed last night listening to the rain, realizing that the playground would be too wet to go out today & sighed. I knew it was going to be one of those days.
It was just past midnight when I turned off my lamp & began to drift into la-la land. At 3:25 am, my husband's cell phone rang. It was the local television station's Thunder Call. This is a service you can sign up for to get calls when there is threatening weather headed your way. We had it on our home phone at one time but I got sick of the middle of the night phone calls to tell me that the wind was blowing, so I removed our subscription to the service. When his phone rang, the ringer was turned up really LOUD & it jolted both of us awake. When he hung up he said "Hey...they wanted to let us know it's raining." We both busted out with a silly case of sleep-deprived giggles because there was no way we could miss the constant thunder & lightening & pouring rain we'd dozed off listening to. We lay in bed, wide awake, for an hour. We talked about whatever stupid things came to mind at 3:30 in the morning. We laughed like a couple of kids over a lot of things that probably wouldn't make a lick of sense to any sane person after 8am, but at 3 in the morning it was pretty funny. We both groaned as we started to get drowsy about 4:00 am & commented on the lack of sleep we'd be feeling all day today. Surely, it's going to be one of those days.
Larry's alarm went off a couple of hours later & mine soon after. Just before mine went off, my mom called to tell me that the weather radar showed a HUGE storm system barrelling toward us. With the way it looked on the radar, there was NO WAY it would miss us. In fact, it should hit by 10am & come and go til nearly 5pm. Great! Just great! Another day stuck inside the classroom with a group of stir-crazy kids who really need to get outside & run off some energy. I already knew we'd be stuck inside, but somehow knowing that we had a huge storm driving toward us made me dread the day more. I'm not sure why though. Stress over how serious it might be, I guess. Good's gonna be one of those days.
Before I left for work, I pondered the day ahead.
8:30--leave for work.
9:25-2:45--wrangle the class from you-know-where
3:45-4:30ish--Samuel & Sarah's private swim class (we live far enough that it wouldn't make sense to go home & come back, so we would stay at the school a little late & then go straight to class)
5:40--take Savannah to Sunday School class party, figure out supper for the other 4 of us
7:00--leave for the regular evening swim class
9:00--arrive home for the night.
I'm a homebody. My kids are, too. When we have a day where we go, go, go, everyone's cranky at the end of the day. Surely this was going to be one of those days.
As I left for work, I posted this facebook status update:
Sure wish I could blink my eyes & be done with all of today. Prayers for a calm day are very much appreciated!
When I arrived at work, one of the first things I said to one of my fellow teachers was "Is it 2:45 yet?" (quitting time) She just laughed. I laughed. I wasn't trying to be funny, though. We shared looks that only teachers understand. The one that says "Yesterday was bad...I'm dreading's gonna be one of those days....gimme a hug!"That's about the time I started feeling the prayers of my friends....I knew people on Facebook had seen my status by that time. I was encouraged by my friends at work & while it didn't alleviate my dread, I knew that all I had to do was holler & one of them would come running today. We all try to do that for each other when we know someone's having a bad day.
It hit me as I got the room ready for the morning that I had dropped the ball on something. I had not prayed over each of my students yet this summer. During the regular school year, I usually spend my drive time on the way to work praying for the day ahead, praying for each of the kids individually by name, praying that God will grant me a special time, even if it's just a few moments, with each of the kids that day. A special moment where that little one feels like he/she is the only child in the universe...the moment when we lock eyes & share a sweet connection, where I see them light up & "get" whatever I'm teaching, or when I see them glow from a moment of praising them, or when I see their eyes shine when I realize that they know I love them. My drives to work this summer have been filled with breaking up my kids' arguments or listening to Hannah Montana. I've been too distracted to realize what I wasn't doing! And so, right then as it struck me, I began praying for the day. I prayed for my 'stinkers', for my interaction with them & their interaction with the other kids. I prayed for a peaceful day. I prayed about the weather, specifically that big storm coming toward us. I prayed that God would grant me favor & show me a little calmness today.
Then the phone call came in at the school. One of my students would not be there. I have no idea why, but ok...that's 1 less child. Then I checked my class roll when the kids started coming in. I had already marked 1 child off whose mom told me last week that she wouldn't be at school today. I had forgotten til that very moment. Wow. That's 2 kids I'd be missing. And then I realized that a 3rd would be gone because he only comes when his mom subs at the school. Wow. My stuffed full classroom was quickly dwindling. I only had 6 kids today. That is completely manageable! Relaxation washed over me as I realized that God was answering prayers....fewer kids would certainly grant me a little calmness.
The big storm was due to hit us about 10-11am. I saw the radar picture myself this morning. A HUGE storm couldn't possibly miss us. But it did. Somewhere along the way it turned & moved around us! Not a single raindrop, no lightening, no thunder. No loss of electricity or scared children. I kept going back to the window peeking out to see how the sky looked. By 12:00, I realized that it was NOT going to hit us after all. Thank you, Lord! While recess time was still spent inside (too wet from last night's storm), we were able to go outside for our extended day program that I work with. Hallelujah for running & screaming outside!
When school was over, we drove to the 1st swim class for the day & I watched in complete bliss as my sweet girl, who is a decent swimmer but has no confidence in her ability, thrived under the one-on-one attention of her swim teacher. Seeing her swim a greater distance than I've ever seen before had me cheering for her from my upstairs window that overlooks the pool. Something about seeing her give the teacher a wet little high-five gave me goosebumps.
We left swim class & ran home for Savannah's quick change. She threw on her swimsuit & grabbed a towel. We made it to her SS class party on time and I grabbed some McDonald's for the other kids & I on the way back home. By the time we got home, we only had about 1/2 an hour til it was time to leave again for their second class. The storm that was supposed to come through early in the day had not messed up my school day, nor was it messing up the swim class schedule as I had sort of half-way feared it might. (Remember, lightening=cancelled class, again!)
We made it to & from the class without any problems and as we drove home, I popped a CD in the CD player. I wanted to hear some worship music at the end of this, the day that should've been one of those days. Honest to goodness, I grabbed it randomly from my collection of music & hit play. Want to see what made me giggle with delight & cry (happy tears!)? The irony killed me. Note the title.
I absolutely LOVE this song. Please pause right now & listen to the lyrics of this song before you continue reading. Close your eyes & drink it in. The video itself really isn't all that strong, so just listen to the words.
And want to hear what one of my sweet friends wrote on the morning facebook status? She hit the nail on the head for TODAY specifically. "Jesus calmed the storm surely he can calm your day." She had no idea that a STORM was one of the very things I was dreading & expecting to make my day so tumultuous. (Thanks for listening to HIS words to speak into my life today, Jimette!)
As I listened to this song tonight on my way home, I recognized how much PMS was affecting my attitude & outlook on my day last night & this morning. I recognized that I had not been relying on the saying that I try to take to heart all the time: "If you're going to pray, don't worry...if you're going to worry, don't pray." I realized how useless my aggrivation really was. I didn't have to face an oncologist today. I didn't have to watch a loved one die. None of my children were sick. I wasn't dealing with a tragedy of unspeakable proportion. I was just looking at a too-full schedule, some rowdy kids, the cost of running up a lot of gas & the dread that I'd be exhausted & worn out from the day after it was all over. I hung my head in shame that I had let myself get into such a dither over these "no big deal" sort of things. And then I remembered that God is a God of DETAILS. Whether it's facing a giant of physical or spiritual or emotional proportions, HE CARES. He doesn't always care about my happiness when He's working on making me more like HIM, but He does care about me. He does want me to live a full life that brings HIM the glory, even in the tiniest details and He does desire to see me have a peaceful day when I am wallowing in the floor begging for it. He longs to love me & show me His mercy.
Today He gave my friends the right words to calm my heart. He removed three kids from my classroom to help me feel a little less frantic. He literally calmed the storm raging outside, and in turn, the one inside. He helped me relax enough to get all mooshy-mama about my sweet girl's swimming ability. He took away the hectic feel of my evening. He gave me time to spend with my husband in the early hours of the day, even if it didn't come in a way we usually would have hoped for. He reminded me to pray for my class and in doing so, allowed me to spend time in His presence before I started the majority of the day...always a good thing.
And in the end of the day, He reminded me of the HOPE I have in Him. Heaven. Eternity. IN HIS PRESENCE. Indeed, ONE OF THESE DAYS I will be seeing the mansion He's built for me and I will look back & think on this silly day. One that should've been "one of those days", but it became "just another day" before my "one of these days".
Like you I was watching the radar and dreading the results of what I saw was coming our I knelt on the floor behind my bed (so I could have private time) and asked the Good Lord to soften the storm and just bring rain....I watched amazed that he did exactly glad you were praying about the storm also, I think you have a straighter path to his throne....he is so good to us......
ReplyDeleteand like you I get caught up in the little things that make my world hectic, but then he brings to my mind thoughts of what I am not having to deal with and then I feel ashamed of having been stressed out in the first place...
I am so glad you were Christian's teacher! We just love you!