Thursday, July 9, 2009

SUMMER Day 40, Wed July 8

We had a lot of fun tonight going to the RODEO! It was the first time I've ever been to one in my life and of course it was the kids' first. Such fun!

A long time ago, Larry told Samuel about Mutton Busting, and ever since Samuel has begged us to take him to a rodeo so he could do it! I'm not sure if he was more excited about the idea of chasing down a lamb or the money he might win. For a couple weeks now, we've talked about going to the rodeo & Samuel's asked us repeatedly "Will they have muttle busting....errr ...musson butting ....err muttle butting......?" We kept telling him we weren't sure. As it turns out, at the rodeo we attended tonight, they had a calf scramble where they release 2 calves with a ribbon tied around their tails. They have all the kids out in the arena try to chase down the calf & get one of the ribbons. Samuel tried really hard but he didn't get a ribbon. Oh well, his grin afterwards was SO worth it! :) (Make sure you click on the first 2 of these pictures so you can see where Samuel is---I labelled the pics, but I don't think you can see it unless you click on/enlarge them.)

We saw all the crazy events the guys & girls do and while it was exciting, I know that I know that I know I'd never be able to pull that off myself! I spent most of the night gasping & jumping & throwing my hand over my mouth when the cowboys were thrown off the bull or nearly trampling by a bucking bronco....or when they looked like they'd be snapped in half by the bareback horse that wanted them OFF its back! yikes!! No thanks, it's not the career for me!

Before we left, we had these cool Weenie Octupuses. (I keep questioning myself on the plural of octupus actually octupi? I can't remember.) You may remember my posting the recipe on here a month or so back. You take the dry noodles & thread them through the pieces of weenie and then boil the whole thing. It comes out looking really interesting. I sprinkled some garlic salt over mine. yum!!


  1. You'd NEVER been to a rodeo??!! No way! :) It's been years since I have. I always think we'll try to make some of the rodeo events at our county fair, but it's always too hot. In Kansas. Yes, I know we are wimpy compared to you Texans. And, btw, I think it's 'Mutton Bustin' " :)

  2. Good times at the rodeo! And those weenies are hilarious! Think I may have to "surprise" the kids with them sometime. ;)


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