Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summer Day ....something? I can't remember. Tues Aug 11

I became famous today. ha ha! See?

Who knew?

Ok, so here's today's list of things I liked about today!

1. I LIKED waking up on time today. (ya gotta be thankful for the simple things in life right?)

2. I LIKE that I had a clip stuck in the cabinet to pull up my thick curly hair. It was H-O-T in my classroom.
heh heh...my hubby would say it was because I was there. (big grin) Have I mentioned that I love that guy? Trust me...it had more to do with the August heat & humidity.
Wait...where was I? Oh yes... seriously, there is nothing pretty about a sweaty preschool teacher.

3. I LIKE that today's sensory unit (smelling) went well. The kids all enjoyed sniffing my "smelly jars" and sniff-testing all the scented lotions I brought with me. They loved the ice & kool-aid powder paintings. And ya know, even though the lemon juice paintings dried so that you couldn't see the lemon juice & it just looked like plain white paper....it was fun anyway! I'm anxious for Thursday now. We'll be learning about our HEARING sense. Lots of good listening activities planned!

4. I LIKED that today was the last swim class & both kids received their certificates & award ribbons. They've officially graduated from the level 1 & 2 class!! Yahoo! If we do it again next summer, they can go to Level 3! Good job, Samuel & Sarah!

5. I LIKE that Savannah's sweet girlfriend, Melissa, is here right now. She is one of the sweetest 13 year old girls I know. I'm so glad that she & Savannah are friends. They met in Kindergarten and surprisingly, as they enter 8th grade, they're still close.

6. I LIKE that Larry was able to come home from work at a normal time tonight. Late nights are killer, but part of the territory with his job. The kids were happy to see him home at supper time. (me, too!)

7. I LOVE that there's only a little over a week til Larry & I get to go hide away from the world to celebrate our 15th anniversary. We haven't had a "just us" overnight trip in several years. We've been places but it was with the kids or when we went to see someone. This time, it's just us. No one to go see, no kids in tow, nothing special to do (other than go to the IMAX theater). I can't wait! (Have I mentioned that I love this guy?)

8. I LIKE that the video (above) is out and maybe more Bethelites will jump on board with "things that I liked about today". It'll be fun to see what folks share on their blogs!

9. I absolutely LOVE that although God created the earth & animals and hung the stars in the sky & spins the earth in orbit & makes sure that every molecule of my being works together every second of every minute of every day & that He holds the earth in axis, never letting it spin out of control, hurling us all into space & that He takes care of the birds flying through the air & the fish swimming in the ocean ...... and He's still in love with me & wants to hear about every detail of my day, wants to my my closest friend...even if I screw up & spit on Him in the process. I LOVE that He longs to show me grace & mercy, that He sees how badly I foul up & still wants to hold me close. Yeah, that's gotta be the high point. Just having that moment of recognizing that all over again was awesome. I LIKED that best. Hands down. (Have I mentioned how much I love Him?)


  1. I like reading your list.... that is something I liked about today.
    I am glad that Todd posted the video. I just joined the movement, too!!

  2. very cool liz.......what a great way to be thankful for the things in our day - big and small. :)


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